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"Hi welcome to Applebee's, my name is Sevyn and I'll be your waitress for this evening. May I start you off with your choice of drink?"

I work part time at Applebee's every other day from five to nine. I actually love my job it gets me out the house and away from Janae and her dude. Just like school I keep to myself. I just do my 5 hours and go home. I guess you can say I'm antisocial and that I only speak when spoken to. My manager is coo, I don't get no complaints so it's fine.

Hours later my shift was finally over. I packed my stuff and started walking to the bus stop. I sat down on the bench and resting my feet on the seat. Ever since I been working there I've actually been losing a little weight.

I wear baggy clothes so you won't be able to see it. For me to be big I actually have a good little shape. I stand 5'4, brown skinned, I'm mix with Black and Chinese, Janae's grandad is full blown Chinese. I get my eyes from him and her mom. I have thick thighs of course and double "D" breasts. My favorite thing about me is my nose. It's the only thing that's cute to me that's on my body.


The bus came finally. "Good evening pretty lady." Joe the bus driver greeted me "Hi Mr. Joe" I greeted and sat down in the back. I rode that bus for a good 10 minutes in Menominee Falls  then got off and walked all the way there to Silver Spring. I took another bus in Silver Spring and rode that one all the way to Brown Deer. Then I just walked the rest of the way to my house. It's a very long walk, I just wanted to go home take a shower and go to sleep.

Right when I got on my door step I got a text from Janae.

Janae🖕🏽: Go get me a pack of Newport.

I rolled my eyes and walked off the porch to our local corner store. Once I got there I decided to buy me some snacks, nothing major just some hot crunchy curls, chico sticks, a pickle, skittles and a Caylpso Ocean Blue Lemonade drink. I put it up on the register and the man rung my stuff up.

"Can I get a pack of Newport please?" He put it in the bad and I payed for the stuff. As I was walking out I seen Drew, Diamond and Zion hanging out of the car. I glanced and started walking home.

"Aye Sevyn?!"

I acted like I ain't hear him. Until I heard somebody's footsteps coming towards me they tapped my shoulder. Looking back it was Diamond. "My brother tryna talk to you girl." I just stood there confused. Why are they trying to talk to me now and for what. We been going to school together for three years.

They haven't noticed me at all and now all of a sudden they wanna talk to me. "C'mon Sev we ain't gone bite" she spoke. See nahh she trippin, we ain't friends she don't need to be calling me "Sev". She grabbed my arm and walked me towards them.

"Uhm I didn't say I was coming over here." I finally spoke

"Well you here now sis so just chill with us." Drew said

"Sis?!" What the hell is going on?

"Y'all go buy some snacks let me talk to Sevyn" Zion spoke

They both shook they heads yeah and walked into the store. I looked at Zion who was sitting on the passenger side of the car his feet was pinned up on the side and his arms was rested on his legs. He was holding some lemon lime hot crunchy curls.

"So I still can't get ya number?"


He smacked his lips and glared at me.... Well I think was a glare

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