¢нαρтєя 38 | му ƒ*¢кє∂ υρ ℓιƒє💛

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A/N:Y'all wanted me to change it up so here you go☺️💛 Also let me know if this chapter made sense. I felt like I was jumping from scene to scene🥴.

Walking up towards Sevyn bedroom, I knocked

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Walking up towards Sevyn bedroom, I knocked. There was no response so I knocked again. Me being me I panicked busting in her room. Sevyn is the type of person that hide her emotions out in the open and go self harming herself behind closed doors, and what I'm not about to do is let my best friend harm or kill herself over something that's not that big of a deal.

When I opened the door, I seen her at the vanity, with her head down on the desktop. She was silently sobbing saying, "It wasn't for attention." over and over again.

"Sevyn?" I spoke up

She jumped up looking at me, tears rolled down her face, "I-It wasn't for attention! I just want to be free!" She sobbed "Don't hurt me. Please?!"

"Sevyn I'm not gonna hurt you I promise you I won't."

All she did was look at me and then put her head back down on the desk and continued to sob. I went over towards her so I can comfort her. I don't know what she's talking about but she's blaming herself for it. Pulling her in my arms I grabbed her hands the only thing I could do right now is be her shoulder to cry on rather she liked it or not I'm not pushing her away, "Let it out Pooh. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." I whispered


It's been a good thirty minutes since we've been in this room. Sevyn stopped crying and blaming herself. We are now laying on her bed looking at the ceiling. Sevyn is now just silently shaking with her arms covering her face.

"W-When I tell you this. I don't want you to judge me, feel bad for me or think that I'm stupid. I just want you to be here as a best friend and be someone I can come to with situations like this." Sevyn finally spoke, lifting her head up and looked at me with red eyes, "Can you do that for me?"

"Of course I can. And I won't ever judge you." I grabbed her hand, "What ever you have to say I'm all ears."

I know me and Sevyn haven't known each other for a long time, but it hurts me seeing her like this and in this predicament.

"You can feel free to ask me questions. But just please let me vent." She sniffed scooting up on the bed. Her back was against the headboard, her knees was up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her body.

‼️Disturbing Details Ahead Please Skip‼️

"When I was little. I've always been the odd one out. There was only three people that I would really talked to and loved. My Grandma Mae, my cousin....Leon." She said looking at me with a sly smile rolling her eyes.

"Leon, Leon? The nigga that's downstairs Leon?" I asked

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah that Leon. He's my cousin."

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