¢нαρтєя 18 | ѕєℓƒιѕн💛

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"Alright so we got who's doing what, right?" I asked Leon

"Yep, and if we feel like anything out of place on each other's parts we can always go in and rearrange stuff around, but let's make sure we on board before doing so." Leon smiled

"I agree." I started cleaning up my area "I'll buy the board tomorrow and bring it to school Monday and have the librarian to keep it in the library until we need it."

"Thats fine." He paused then cleared his throat "I uhm...I miss you baby."

Stopping from what I was doing, I looked up and from the pencil cup and stared at the white wall. My heart started racing and my palms got sweaty. He haven't called me that in a very long time. Hell nobody has. I turned around and looked at Leon who was already looking at me. His eyes held so much emotions and guilt even pain. No lie I do miss Leon, I mean our bond was unbreakable, he was my best friend and the ying to my yang. Like when you seen me you'll see Leon, we was just damn near conjoined at the hip. But seeing him after what had happened, I just couldn't be around him anymore. Well that and because Janae made me stay away from him.

"L-Leon not right now okay?"

"When will it ever be a right time Sevyn?! Like damn, we don't talk anymore, don't chill, you don't come by the house anymore. The only time I see you is during school."

"I'm just not ready to talk ok-"

"You do realize I lost my father to right." He said cutting me off "Yo daddy wasn't the only one that died that night Sevyn."

"Don't bring my daddy up in this conversation Leon! I know yo daddy died bu-"

"No I'm bringing up Syx, cause you not the only one that's mad and moping around like you lost a relative, yo daddy was murdered and my daddy killed himself that night right after. I'm still grieving just like you!"

"It's not the same." I whispered

"How is it not the same Sevyn?!"

Just tell him! He needs to know the truth!

Shaking head to get the thoughts out I just chose the first thing that came to my mind "Yo daddy chose to kill himself, he could've been living but he was to scared to face the consequences of what happened."

Leon whole facial expression changed "Are you serious? You deadass just said that to me?"

"Leon I'm so sor-"

"You not sorry, you meant it." He grabbed his stuff "I gotta go, but before I do. Grandma birthday is next week and all she been talking about is seeing her only granddaughter, so would you be kind enough to go see her?"

Janae said she was dead

"I start back work next week so I don't know."

He rolled his eyes and walked out touched the doorknob, before he left out he turned back and face me "You selfish, just like yo momma."

The way my heart sunk into my chest, you don't even understand how bad that stung me. I'm nothing like Janae and he knows that! He know it. If anything his mother is selfish like Janae cause she was the first person I went to when Janae started beating my ass. But did I get a "oh you can stay with us." or "I'm gonna call the police." No she sent me back to her and she seen the bruises and everything! I had to suffer and nobody cared. But I'm selfish?! What's so crazy is that, I could've grew up to be evil and hate the world. But I didn't. But I'm selfish.

My phone started ringing and not even looking I answered.


"Hi baby." The person spoke, they voice was so scratchy and

I looked at the phone and seen no caller ID "Who is this?"

They chuckled "Wooow! So you don't remember yo own sister voice?!"


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