¢нαρтєя 9| яυηαωαу ℓσνє 💛

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All my body could do was be stuck on the cold floor. Eric left out my room about two hours ago. I couldn't move, my body was sore. The scares on my face  had dried up blood on it and I felt my face swelling up by the minute. I'm tired. I'm tired of being this way. I'm tired of getting beaten on. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not loved by anyone. I can't keep living like this. I can't keep letting them do this to me.

I managed to get up by crawling towards the door, I locked it and put my whole weight on the door so I could get up. Turning on my light, I seen the blood puddle that was on the bedroom floor. Walking towards my closet I threw all my clothes, shoes , jewelry and what not that I brought with my own money onto my bed. I grabbed one of my wash cloth and an old water bottle that I half dunked and cleaned the blood that was between my legs. I threw on one of my sweats and jacket and my old NIKE shoes.

I grabbed my dad's old duffel bag and put all my stuff in there. Using my school book bag that I'm so glad that I leave half of my supplies in to my locker cause I have space to put my smell goods, make up and teddy bear in there. Taking my dad's Obituary off my wall along with his pictures and baby pictures that I have with him I threw it in the bag as well. Last stuff that I grabbed was my phone, charger, earbuds, toothbrush, toothpaste and wash rag. Yes I keep all my stuff in my room. I opened the window and threw all my stuff out. Thank God, Janae only have a one level home.

I hopped out the window and grabbed my stuff and started walking well limping around the neighborhood until I find somewhere a park bench to sleep on for the night. The weather was cold, very cold. You could hear the sound of the wind when it blows. Tears fell down my face from the pain that was between my legs. I can't go to the hospital cause I'm under age and they will call Janae to come down. I'm scared to go to school cause I'm pretty sure she'll come there and get me. I have nowhere to go but...

I'll rather live on the street then live in that house anymore

Two Weeks Later....

"Yo Sevyn call me when you get this message! This my fuckin thousandth time calling yo ass in two weeks! You ain't been to school, or work! Phoenix worried about you! I'm worried about you, ya moms lookin for you! It's cold outside, snow on the ground and shit! Call me back bro what the fuck!" I hung up the phone and sat at my desk

"Yo where you think she at?" Leon asked

"Ion know, probably at a donut shop eating all the donuts." Drew joked, but nobody laughed

"Bro deadass shut the fuck up! You always have something to say about her weight! You don't never have shit positive to say about her! Just negative, bro." I yelled

"Chill bro you getting all worked up over a bitch that you don't even care for." He yelled back

"It doesn't matter Drew! She missing!" Paris said while shaking her leg "I hope she okay."

"Yeah me too, ion know her like that but I pray that she good and living." Diamond spoke hugging Paris

"Look everybody got her on they Facebook talking about some "come back home.", "We miss you." and shit." Leon said shaking his head "They know damn well they ain't fuck with her."

"I hate when bitches do that, like if you didn't fuck with her why the fuck post her like y'all all buddy buddy." Paris said with an attitude

"Like what you doing?" Leon asked confused

"Leon shut the fuck up, I know what I did was wrong and when I see her I'm going to apologize Okay!" She stormed out my room

"Man let me go check up on this girl, maybe give her this tonguie tongue action!" Diamond said following her out the room while rubbing her hands

"Nasty ass fuckers I tell you." Leon shook his head "Bro we gone find her and bring her home."

I just closed my eyes "I hope so..."

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