¢нαρтєя 13|qυєєηѕ ∂ση'т ƒιgнт💛

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Today was Monday and it was my first day back to school. I'm a little nervous I'm not gonna lie. Maybe  because I'm scared what people may do or think you know? I just hope everything goes very smooth and chill.

After my shower I lotion up my body with Eucerin lotion then I threw on my ripped black jeans,and my yellow sweater, with my Nike Presto Sunshine Yellow shoes. For my accessories just my gold chain with my dad's name on it of course, my pandora charm bracelet that my sister bought me a few years ago and my gold ankle bracelet with my name on it. I decided to put my hair up in a bun and laid my edges somewhat down, and for my makeup I wanted to feel "cute" so I went heavy on that department. I went into the bathroom and added more deodorant under my arms and I sprayed my 
Winter Candy Apple  spray from Bath & Body Works following the lotion for my hands, thats my favorite smell good during the holiday season.

 I went into the bathroom and added more deodorant under my arms and I sprayed my  Winter Candy Apple  spray from Bath & Body Works following the lotion for my hands, thats my favorite smell good during the holiday season

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After I was done with everything I made sure I had my earbuds and my all black cross body purse making sure my wallet and girlie products was in there then I grabbed my book bag. I went downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Ms.Apryl left a hour ago for work. I didn't know if Zion was going to take me to school or at least wanted to be seen with me so I just left, I mean it spare me the embarrassment from people and they won't make fun of  him for driving the big girl around. I left the house and locked the bottom lock then walked to the bus stop, and waited for the city bus to come.


Walking into the school, I did my routine by walking through the medal detectors, and securities going through my bags. After that I walked to my locker, but some kids stoped me, some of them asked if I was okay and was everything fine. I just shook my head saying yes. Some was staring at me and whispering things. Then others  was being extra nosy asking what happen but I just ignored them by putting my earbuds in and walked pass them.Finally making it to my locker I put my book bag in there and grabbed my notebook and my English textbook getting ready for class.

Not even paying attention to my surroundings, I felt someone tap my shoulder. Turning around I seen Phoenix with a curious look on her face but then it changed when she seen me.All of a sudden this crazy girl jumped on me making up both of us fall on the floor.

"Sevynnnnnn! I missed you so much!" She squealed while hugging me tight

I laughed "Hi Phoenix."

She lifted her head from my neck, then grabbed my face "Don't ever do no shit like that again! You scared me boo!" She then kissed my forehead hard as hell making me jerk my head back a little

"Okay I won't I promise, now can we get off this floor please?"

"Wait I need a sentimental moment with you, I ain't see you in damn near a month let me be great!" She laughed hugging me again while rubbing my neck."Okay now we good."

We both got up off the floor and fixed our clothes. We talked for a while then we headed to class. Well tried to cause on our way we bumped into Laylah.

Lord ion got the time today

Surprisingly she didn't say anything just walked pass us. Now I'm confused. Then I looked at Phoenix who had a smirk on her face.

 Then I looked at Phoenix who had a smirk on her face

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"Why you looking at her like that?"

"What you taking about I did not do anything." She laughed

"I never said you did anything crazy." I chuckled

"Ion know what you talking about."

Shaking my head I just left it alone

"Alright! Since you asked. I kinda sorta popped her in the mouth for talking about you."

Oh lord


"No fran listen she was all "I hope that bitch get kidnap and die and this world would be a better place without her"and what not. So I followed during class she asked to go to the bathroom, I followed her in the bathroom waited til she got out the stall and popped her in the mouth. Ion care who you is nobody disrespect my bitch like that specially saying you should've died she went overboard with her ugly wanna be Roddy Ricch lookin ass!"

I couldn't help but laugh, Laylah do look like Roddy Ricch a little bit "Well thank you for doing that, but no more fighting your a Queen. Queens don't fight."

"I  understand that but sometimes Queens gotta get off they thrown and check these Peasants!" She said walking into class

She do have a point I'm just referring to what you always told me.

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