¢нαρтєя 12|ι ηєє∂ α ƒανσя💛

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As I closed the door to Sevyn's room, I made my way to the other guest room, to see what Zander, wanted. Nine times outta ten it's some bullshit. Like I said we coo but we ain't all the way there, we say wassup and that's it, ion fuck with him like that. I walked to the room seeing him with a black book bag.

"What you want to talk about?" I said sitting on the bench that was by the bed

"Ya daddy wanna talk to you."

I smacked my lips "Man tell yo daddy ion got shit to say to him, he can kiss my ass."

"Bro chill, he just wanna talk."

"Talk about what?! I already told y'all I'm not selling for y'all, so that shit dead as fuck."

This is another reason why ion fuck with Zander. He let his ugly ass daddy punk him around. Like how you a grown ass man but let ya dad talk to you like you still a kid?

"Think about it Zion bro, you could get big bank."

"I can get a 9-5! Matter fact that's what I'm going to do it's plenty places hiring."

"Bro do it for me."

"Nigga do for you?!" I squinted my eyes "Nigga ion even like you, so why the fuck would I do it for you?"

"Well damn tell me how you really feel."

"Nah cause you pissin me off." I shook my heead getting up from the seat "Look,tell yo daddy I said choke on a dick and die. Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"Actually nah, that's not all I wanted to talk to you about."

"Well What is it cause I got company."

He took a deep breath and pulled bags of weed out of his backpack "I need you to sell this to the kids at yo school."

"Say man, you must be out yo rabbit ass mind, if you think imma do that dumbass shit! I already told you I'm not selling that shit. What make you think imma do it where I go to school anyways m?!"

"Bro, I need extra money!"

"Then you do it, dumbass nigga."

"Do it for yo niece or nephew." He whispered

"Ion got no damn- wait what?"

"Bro Keisha pregnant."

"Momma know?" 

"Nah thinkin about telling her tonight before I go back home."

"How many months she is?"

"Shit, like two months, I need to stack money so when the baby here we could leave this shit. That's why I need your help to sell this shit, I'll give you, your cut. You can buy momma nice stuff, jewelry and shit."

"I can do that with legal money."

"Legal money take to long to make. Shoveling snow ain't gone get you this type of bread." He said pulling out a stack of money

I mean he's not wrong but, I just don't wanna get caught up. Not saying that selling work never crossed my mind, but I just wanna do it the right way. But I can buy my moms some expensive things with the money, so if I do sell it's all the money is going to her.

"Nah I'm good. That's not me."

"Imma leave it with you anyways. Don't let it go to waste, and when you sell don't get caught."

"EVERYBODY COME EAT!" Momma yelled

"Okaaaayyyy!" The twins yelled

Me and Zander was just looking at each other. He pushed the bag into my hands hella hard and walked out the room saying "Do this favor for me." Shaking my head I headed to my room to put the bag in my closet. Coming out , I noticed Sevyn not out her room, so I just knocked to see if she alright

"Come in." She yelled in her soft voice, I missed hearing that shit

Going into her room, I smiled seeing her sitting on the bed going through her bag, wearing a simple outfit which was some black leggings and a old oversized college sweatshirt with some mixed match socks on

"What you doin, putting all your stuff up?" I asked sitting next to her

"No, just taking all my dirty clothes out so I can wash them." She said, but then stopped what she was doing "I can wash my clothes in here right, or do I have to go to the laundromat?"

I laughed "Nah you can wash your clothes in the laundry room down in the basement."

"Okay thanks."

"Yeah but dinner downstairs, momma brought JJ's. You coming?"

"No thank you, I'm just gonna go to sleep."

"Sevyn, it's deadass 6 o'clock."

"I'm tired." She shrugged her shoulders

"Alright. Imma save you a plate." I said getting up off the bed


I shook my head and left her room. I'm glad that she's somewhere safe. Ion know what happened in her household but for her to runaway it must've been something bad. I made it downstairs seeing everybody eating at the kitchen table. I grabbed a plastic plate and put a few fries on it.

"Sevyn coming down?" Diamond asked

"Nah she said she not hungry."

"Not hungry? No she need to eat." Momma said standing up

"Ma, she not hungry you can't force the girl to eat." Zander laughed

"No Zander! She needs to eat something."

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Yes it is a big deal! That girl need to eat." She said going towards the stairs

"She don't need to eat nothing, she big already." Drew mumbled

Momma turned around fast "Andrew what you say?!"

"I ain't say nothing Ms.Burns."

"Yes you did. You said she don't need to eat nothing else? That what you said?" She squinted her eyes "Let me tell you something, that baby upstairs is going through problems a seventeen year should not be going through. She been on the streets for three weeks, hungry without a home cooked or restaurant meal to eat. And if she did, it's her business.

Nothing is wrong with that girls weight. She's not even that big and if she was who the hell are you to say something about it? Nobody, everybody have flaws, nobody is perfect! Your not perfect! The same way you said something about her she probably thinking stuff about you. And if you think nothing is wrong with you baby boy go in the mirror and pin your hair up, cause you got some big ass ears and their pointy, you elf looking ass boy. Let me hear you say anything else about her I will tell yo granny and get permission to whoop you with my broom. You try me."

And with that she went upstairs to go get Sevyn. The table was quite. Drew was lookin salty as fuck which was funny as fuck to me! Then out of nowhere Diamond laughed

"She said you got elf ears!"

Zander bust out laughing "Diamond bro shut up!"

"That's what you get. You always gotta be mean to people." She flicked his ear making him jump

"Yeah bro I advice you to shut the hell up cause she'll really whoop yo ass with a bro I know the pain to well." Zander said touching his head  then she looked at Drew "She not even big like that. Honestly bro she fine as fuck." He then licked his crusty ass lips

"Oh that's all Zion."

"Damn bro you like shorty?" Zander asked me I just shook my head finishing up making my plate "What happen to Laylah?"

"She ain't my problem nomo."

I kept it simple. Ion like talking to Zander about my relationship. He go overboard and do stupid stuff. I hate talking to Zander period, he sneaky and ion fuck with em like that.

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