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Nine year old Sevyn was sitting in the living room on the floor in her mother's Janae house. She was watching the new episode of Wizard of Waverley Place, eating a bowl of popcorns and drinking a cup of apple juice more ice then juice to be exact. Everybody was out the house, her fifteen year old sister Amiyah was out at the park with her friends. While Janae was somewhere being a hoe. This is how Sevyn liked it home alone and not bothered by nobody.

Sevyn grinned hard when the intro of the song came on. She loved singing along to it and try to sing it with Selena Gomez on beat. She cleared her throat and song along sitting criss cross applesauce.

"Well you know everything's gonna be a breeze
The end will no doubt justify the means
You can fix any problem with the slightest ease
(Yes please)

But you might find out it'll go to your head
When you write a report, on a book you've never read
With the snap of your fingers, you can make your bed!
(That's what I said)

Everything is not what it seems
When you can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams
You might run into trouble if you go to extremes
Because everything is not what it seems

Be careful not to mess with the balance of things
Because everything is not....what it seems "

She finished the song by doing the little beat at the end "Doo da do doo da doot"

Before Sevyn could even get into the show, the door front  busted open reviling Janae, who was drunk off her ass. Janae walked in looking at Sevyn with a disgusted look on her face. She rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.  Sevyn knew her mom was staring at her but she learned her lesson to not look at her back anymore. That's how she got the black eye now.

Janae was in the kitchen looking for something to eat, she started slamming the pantry doors getting angry cause it was nothing in there. Sevyn chuckled to herself cause she knew it wasn't nothing in there and it was Janae's third time doing that today.

"You need to start learning how to cook! While ya fat ass in there watching tv and shit running up my electrical bill!" Janae yelled pouring herself some Alize into a wine glass "I'm not bout to be working all these jobs and you just sit on your ass all day."

Sevyn zoned her out when when she walked in the house. She learned how to zone out her surroundings when Janae start yapping at the mouth.

"Sevyn?! Bitch you hear me?!" Jane walked into the living room all angry "You hear me talkin to you?!"

"Yes ma'am."

"YeS mA'aM" she mocked "Who the hell taught yo ass all this manner bullshit?"

Sevyn ignored her again, this made Janae furious that she wasn't getting an reaction out of her. She wanted her to talk back and yell at her just so she can beat the breaks out of young Sevyn.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you hoe!"

Slowly looking her. Sevyn scrunched her face up at her mothers outfit. To Sevyn she thought her Janae looked like a tramp. Her outfit was and all laced body suit that showed her boobs, with some all black fish net stocking and some all black boots with spikes on them. Her hair was in a bob and she had a natural makeup.

Janae smiled at how her daughter looked at her, she started rubbing on herself all seductively, "You like what you see? Hm?" She sipped on her drink "You wish you looked good like mommy?"

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Janae smiled at how her daughter looked at her, she started rubbing on herself all seductively, "You like what you see? Hm?" She sipped on her drink "You wish you looked good like mommy?"

Sevyn just looked at her unamused. She was so used to her doing this she just thought about her dad doing something silly.

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Janae kept on rubbing on herself , she unbutton her body suit and sticked her fingers in her mouth. She pulled her fingers out her mouth and put them between her legs, "You wanna be like mommy? Huh Sevyn?" She moaned.

Shaking her head Sevyn turned her attention back to the tv.

Opening her eyes Janae seen that Sevyn had turned around to watch her show. She got angry and stormed to the tv and turned it off. Janae grabbed Sevyn by her face and squeezed her face hard "You looked away while I was talking to you?!"

"N-No ma'am."

"Yes you did! I seen you! You calling me a liar?! That's what you calling me huh?!"


"Bitch who you yelling at?!" Janae slapped the Sevyn in her face hard making her spill her drink onto the floor "Look what you did!"

"I didn't do anything."

"You spilled my drink bitch!" Janae started hitting blows into Sevyn face "I paid thirty fucking dollars for that drink and you gonna spill it?!"

"No mommy!"

"Call me mommy again! Call me it again I swear I will kill you!"

Sevyn just sobbed and tried protecting her face by guarding her arms up. Janae got so mad she started dragging Sevyn towards the basement. One thing about Sevyn is she hated the basement. It was always so dark and had spider webs down there she just didn't like it for some reason.

"You spilled my drink on my carpet you bitch!" Janae punched her while dragging her down the steps "Say you sorry!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to spill it! It was an accident! I swear it was!" Sevyn cried

Janae dragged her all the way to the back of the basement where a small little room was at. She threw her in there and locked her up in that room. The room didn't have a light, a toilet or anything that can occupy Sevyn while she's in there. Janae didn't say a word afterward, she went upstairs and washed up and left the house t go meet up with her new boo for the night.

Sevyn balled up into a ball and rocked herself and kept on saying "I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to."

Sevyn was locked up in that room for three days, Janae told Amiyah that she went to spend the night at Grandma Mae's house for a few days. Amiyah didn't think anything of it cause that's where Sevyn usually would go when she missed Syx. Sevyn was fed one severing a day and had to save her water just to fill herself up when she got hungry. How she use the bathroom? She had to use it on herself. Janae would check up on her and see her curled up in the corner crying and shaking.

Sevyn always wondered what she did to make her mom hate her so much. Why did she treat her like shit and treat Amiyah like the queen. Sevyn was never jealous is her older sister she just wanted the love Janae gave her to her a little.

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