Chapter 1

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"Katsuki... I'm glad we fought together till the end..." Y/N said. Her e/c eyes swelling with tears as she looked at the love of her life, Pro-Hero Dynamight better known as Bakugou Katsuki.

"I know Y/N... I am too. I'm glad it was you that I fell in love with." He said to her as they held each other close. 

"I'm not ready to go yet... we can't leave her. S-she's still a baby... o-our baby!" Y/N sobbed into his arms. 

"I know. I know. I'm not ready either. We're still fighting. It's not over until we say it's over!" He said lifting her head to make her look into his eyes. 

"I love you... with all my heart. You both are the best thing that ever happened to me. Never forget that." Bakugou said holding her face.

"I love you too... more than anything in this world. I know she'll be as strong and stubborn as you when she's older. She'll be as powerful as you. Our pride and joy..." Y/N said looking into his eyes while cupping his face. 

They told each other, "I love you for infinity." 

Those were the last words they said to each other. After giving it all they had, both Pro-Heroes parished in their battle protecting each other. Pro-Heroes Deku and Red Riot were severely injured. They fought alongside Pro-Hero Dynamight and Tide. Their final wish was for Midoriya and Eijiro to take care of their pride and joy, Katsumi. 

Timeskip 2 years:

"Uncle Eijiro!! Look! Look!" Katsumi proudly exclaimed as she controlled the water. 

"Whoaa!! Katsumi you have your mother's quirk." Eijiro said tearing up. 

The 5-year-old looked like a mini version of her father but with her mother's quirk. She had Katsuki's beautiful red orbs and ash-blond hair. However, her personality was like Y/N's. She was calm, poised, stubborn, carefree, and smart. 

"Can you show me a picture of mommy and daddy?" Katsumi asked. 

"Of course sweetie. Let's go to Midoriya and Ochaco's and go through pictures together, how does that sound?" Eijiro asked while picking up the blonde. 

"Yay! I get to see aunty Ochaco and Uncle Izu!"

Katsumi was beaming with joy as Eijiro walked up to their house. "Alrighty were here," Eijiro said as he held her hand to knock on the door. They were greeted by a smiling Izuku. Katsumi ran into Izuku's arms. 

"Wow, Katsumi! You're getting bigger every day I don't see you!" Izuku said to the little girl with his signature smile. 

"Yep! One day I'm going to be big and strong just like my mommy and daddy!" The little girl said proudly while pointing her thumb at herself. 

"Sumi!!" a little boy the same age as Katsumi yelled as he ran up to give her a big hug. 

"Uta!!" she said tackling him to the ground. 

"Alrighty, kids how about we take this to your room, how does that sound Uta?" Ochaco said entering from the kitchen. 

"Okay mommy! Let's go sumi." he said holding her hand and leading her upstairs.

AN: Go check out What is perfect? It's a MidoriyaXreader. Hope y'all like it! 

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