Chapter 4

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"You can what?!" Katsumi asked as she walked into the room, Uta following behind her. "Can you do that?!" she asked the villain then turned to Izuku."Can he do that?! Tell me he can!" she pleaded. 

This was the first time in a long time she cried. "K-Katsumi, we don't know for sure..." Izuku said. 

"But we can try! Can't we?!" she said looking at Izuku then Uta. 

"Sumi... calm down, we don't-" Uta was cut off by Katsumi saying 

"But w-we have an opportunity! What if this can work, what if they can come back... W-What if I can see them again... I could hug them. T-they can tell me they're proud of m-me. I can barely remember them... If I can bring them back then I will!!" She said as her lips tremble and tears begin to stream down her face. 

Her emotions she's pushed away for so long are finally coming out. 

The sight of Katsumi break down broke Izuku and Uta's hearts. Ochaco and Eijiro watched this from the entrance. Their hearts broke. 

"Maybe we can..." Eijiro spoke up from behind the group. Katsumi's eyes lit up as she turned to see her uncle. 

"You think so..." Katsumi asked as her lips begin to form a small smile while her eyes filled with tears. 

"If there's a way to bring them back then We'll find it," Eijiro said. 

"I agree with Red Riot. It won't hurt to try." Uravity said as she looked into her husband's eyes with a small smile. 

Izuku's eyes filled with tears and he said "You know what, let's do it. PLUS ULTRA!" 

"Ok, so how does it work?" Deku asked the man. 

The man began to speak, "There's an abandoned lab in the woods-" 

"The one where you attacked me, right." Katsumi interrupted. 

"Yes, that one. Has anyone told you it's rude to interrupt people?" The man questioned Katsumi. 

"Sorry... geez who shit on his parade?" Katsumi mumbled under her breath receiving a chuckle from Uta and a nudge from Eijiro. 

"Katsumi, remember he's helping us," Eijiro said. 

"Right, sorry." She said.

"Anyways the lab has a gate that allows me to go through time, however, it only lets one person at a time. So only 1 person can go back. And if you do go back you would have to go back to where my master's plan began, 25 years ago.." The villain continued. 

Uta began mumbling under his breath trying to figure out how long 25 years ago was, when he spoke up and said, "So when you were our age, right dad?" 

"Yeah, that's when we began U.A. But why did his plan begin then?" Izuku asked. 

"Because that was when he realized his hatred for Dynamight." 

"So who's going to go back?" Uta asked.

"I'll go," Izuku said. 

"Remember when you go back you'll have your current memories and the same body." The villain said. 

"If that's the case then I should go." Katsumi interrupted. 

"No. It's too dangerous." Eijiro said. 

"I can handle myself, Uncle. After all, you've trained me since forever. I took this guy out, I know what to do, and no offense Uncle Izuku but... you're 40 and you're gonna go back and might run into your past self. Plus I would be my parent's age and I could easily blend in." Katsumi said. 

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