Chapter 23

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Internships were finally over and class 1-A returned to school. When Y/N was walking into class she saw Kirishima and Sero laughing. 

"Holy crap! What the heck, Bakugou?" The boys said. 

"What are you guys-" She said but stopped as soon as she saw Bakugou. 

"Stop laughing! My hair's gotten used to this and I can't get it back the right way," He said as the boys laughed harder. 

"Did you not hear me? I'll kill you both!" Bakugou said. 

"I'd like to see ya try, pretty boy," Sero said. 

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" Bakugou yelled. 

"Hey, there it goes!" Sero yelled as Bakugou's hair went back to it's natural look. 

"PFT BAKUGOU!" Y/N laughed. 

"I'LL KILL YOU TOO!" Bakugou yelled. 

Y/N walked up to him and said, "You know you'll miss me if you do,"

She then kissed his cheek and went to her desk. 

"Ooo Bakugouu," Kirishima and Sero teased. 

Bakugou watched at Y/N as she sat down with his flustered face.

"Hey! I heard about what happened with the hero killer!" Mina said as she came up to Y/N. 

Y/N's face changed into a blank expression. She looked over at Deku who smiled, Iida and Todoroki just avoided eye contact. 

"Yeah haha," Y/N replied looking away. 

Everyone went and surrounded Todoroki, Iida, Midoriya, and Y/N. As they were all asking questions and talking, Y/N slipped away. Bakugou noticed something was bothering Y/N so he went to talk to her. 

"Dumbass, what's wrong?" He asked. 

Y/N turned around to face him and said, "It's nothing," 

"Tch, it's clearly something. Is it about Shitori?" Bakugou asked. 

Y/N's eyes widened. "How do you know about Shitori," She whispered. 

"I'll tell you if you tell me whats bothering you," He said. 

Y/N sighed and said, "Fine, after school," Bakugou nodded and went to his seat.

 It was now time for Basic Hero Training with All Might. The class walked to the locker rooms to get changed. 

"Hey! Y/N!" Katsumi yelled as she ran to catch up with her. 

"Oh, hey, Katsumi!" Y/N said with a smile. 

"Sooo what's new with you and Bakugou?" Katsumi asked, nudging Y/N's shoulder. 

"Ooo I wanna know too!" Ochako said as she linked her arm with Y/N's. 

"Me too!" The rest of the girls said as they walked to the locker rooms. 

"Fine, I'll tell you guys in the locker room," Y/N said. 

Once they got to the locker room Ochako came up to Y/N and said, "Sooo," 

"Fine," Y/N said. The girls cheered and surrounded Y/N. 

"Okay so, we might've kissed," Y/N said sheepishly. 

"YOU WHAT!!" The girls squealed. 

"Just once?" Mina asked teasingly. 

The girls went silent as they looked at Y/N waiting for an answer, "Maybe like 4..." Y/N said. 

"WHATTT OH MY GOSH!" The girls cheered. 

"Yeah, ok but now we should get ready for class," Y/N said and the girls began changing and chatting. 

"So Bakugou? Never knew you and Y/N were a thing," Sero said. 

"Yeah man, when did that happen?" Kirishima asked. 

"We're not together...yet" Bakugou mumbled the last part. 

Sero and Kirishima looked at each other and smirked. 

"Lucky! Y/N's super hot!" Denki said. 

Bakugou looked at Denki as if he was going to kill him. "A-anyways, let's get ready for class," Denki nervously said. 

Once everyone was ready, they walked out and met with All Might.

"Feels like I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back," All Might began explaining the training exercise they will be doing. 

"You will be racing in groups of five, the objective is to find me and rescue me," All Might said.

The first group was Midoriya, Iida, Sero, Mina, and Ojiro. Everyone began placing bets on who would win. 

"I already know Deku's gonna lose," Bakugou said. 

Y/N came up behind him and said,  "Hm I don't know he's gotten a lot better since the internships,"

Bakugou turned around and faced Y/N. "Wanna bet on it?" 

"If you're willing to lose, then by all means," Y/N said smirking. 

"Fine, when Deku loses you have to go out with me," He said. 

"Deal," Y/N said as she held her hand out for him to shake. 

"What about your bet?" He asked before he shook her hand. 

"You'll hear it when Deku wins," Y/N said smirking. 

"HA! I WIN!" Bakugou yelled at Y/N. 

"Whatever," Y/N said as she playfully rolled her eyes. 

"So, when did you wanna go on that date?" Y/N said in a flirty tone. 

"Today. After school," Bakugou said. 

"Then you better find me after school," Y/N said as she walked away. 

"Way to score a date with Y/N!" Katsumi said as she hit Bakugou on the back. 

"Yeah, man! Never knew you had it in you!" Kirishima said putting an arm around him. 

"Katsumi's living proof that I have it in me," Bakugou said as he walked away. 

"PFTTT" Kirishima said as he looked at Katsumi's shocked expression.

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