Chapter 41

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It was the next day and Class 1-A and Class 1-B continued their training together. At night the teachers were planning on letting them play a game of courage. Once the class finished their training they went to clean up and have dinner.

"Whoa, Bakugou! You're really good with that knife! It's weird," Ochako said as she held firewood.

"What do you mean 'it's weird'? How can you people be so bad at everything?" Bakugou yelled.

"Look at that, he's not blowing stuff up," Denki said as he walked past them.

"I'm too tired for this," Kirishima said.

"I think it's pretty hot," Y/N said as she walked past Bakugou and Ochako.

Bakugou's face flushed pink and Ochako snickered. Y/N continued walking until she got to the grill and began to cook.

"Y/N, I never knew you could cook," Mina said as she walked up to her.

"Hm? Oh, I would cook for my dad when he was at work. I learned to do a lot of things for myself," Y/N said as she cut the carrots.

"Doesn't your mom cook for you guys?" Mina asked.

Y/N's happy expression changed to one of sadness. She stayed silent and focused on cooking. Bakugou overheard what Mina said and was upset. 

"Raccoon eyes! Don't ask that!" He yelled.

"What? Oh, I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to be rude," Mina said.

Y/N looked up at her and smiled. "It's fine, Mina," She said.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" Mina asked.

"RACOON EYES! LEAVE!" Bakugou yelled.

"Katsuki, it's fine," Y/N said giving him a reassuring smile.

"My mom left when I was little. It's been me and my dad since then," Y/N said giving Mina a small smile.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't know," Mina said as she gave her a hug.

Y/N flinched at the contact but then returned her hug. She pat Mina on the back and said, "Don't be sorry. Things happen for a reason. I shouldn't care about people who don't care about me," 

She returned to cooking, but her expression visibly changed to one of frustration. Bakugou noticed but decided to let her cool off before he should talk to her. 

Y/N finished cooking and went to go sit down. While she was poking at her food she heard someone walk up behind her. 

"Hey, idiot," Bakugou said as he sat next to her.

"Hey, Katsuki," Y/N said as she rested her hand on her cheek.

"What's bothering you?" He asked.

"Nothing, I'm just tired," Y/N said.

"Y/N," Bakugou said in a serious tone as he looked at her. 

Y/N turned her head to face him. She laid her head on his shoulder and said, "I just wish my mom didn't leave because of me," 

Bakugou moved his hand to Y/N's head and brushed her head. "It's not your fault. Don't think about your shitty mother. Think about our future," 

Y/N removed her head from his shoulder. She looked into his red orbs and said, "Our future?"

Bakugou looked at her and said, "Our future," 

Y/N smiled at him and said, "Thank you Katsuki, you always know how to make me feel better," She kissed his cheek and continued eating.

"Any time, now eat. I don't want you complaining about being hungry later," Bakugou said as he took a bit of food. 

"We've filled our bellies and cleaned the dishes. It's time for..." Pixie bob began.

"A totally awesome test of courage!" Mina cheered.

"We're gonna win!" Sero, Kirishima, and Denki cheered.

"Not so fast. It pains me to say it, but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead," Aizawa said.


"Sorry," Aizawa said.

Once the 5 who didn't pass the final left, The Wild Pussy Cats explained the objective of the game and the rules. 

"The winners are the creative students who make the most people piss their pants," Tiger said. 

"Did we need that visual?" Jiro said. Katsumi made a disgusted face and stuck her tongue out. 

"I see! They're encouraging us to stoke our imaginations as we compete with each other all while showing us more uses for our quirks in the process. As expected of UA!" Iida explained.

"Yo legs! It's not that deep," Y/N said rolling her eyes.

Katsumi and Bakugou both whacked the back of her head.

"WHA-" Y/N yelped as she held the back of her head.

"Watch the attitude missy," Katsumi said while Bakugou looked at Y/N with his arms crossed.

"Not my fault the guy acts like a robot," Y/N mumbled.

"All right! Everyone draw to see who your partner will be!"

Once everyone drew their card they went with their assigned partner. 

"Who'd you get?" Ochako asked Y/N from behind. 

Y/N slowly turned around and looked at Ochako. Ochako looked at Y/N with a worried expression and said, "What's wrong?" 

"I-I got Mineta!" Y/N cried as she laid her head on Ochako. Ochako pat her head.

"Oh you poor thing," Momo said as she walked up to the two.

"What happened?" Katsumi asked. 

"She got Mineta," Ochako said as Y/N cried into her shoulder.

"Oh," Katsumi said with widened eyes. 

"Ladies," Mineta said as he walked up to them.

"Go away," They all said.

"No can do. I'm here because I'm waiting for my partner," Mineta said with a sly face.

"Fuck this," Y/N said as she walked away.

The girls snickered as they watched Y/N walk away with Mineta following behind her.

Bakugou and Todoroki already went into the woods while Y/N and a couple other students from class 1-A were still with Mandalay, Pixiebob and Tiger. 

"What's this foul smell in the air?" Pixie bob said.

"You see that?" Midoriya said.

"Black smoke," Mandalay said.

"Has something set ablaze?" Iida said looking in the direction of the smoke.

"Maybe a fire on the mountain?" Ojiro said.

"Hey! What's happening?" Pixiebob yelled as she was floated away.

"Pixiebob!" Y/N yelled as she turned to see PIxiebob's head smashed into the ground in front of two villains

"Pixie bob!" Midoriya yelled as he tried to run to her but was stopped by Mandalay and Tiger.

"This is bad," Mandalay said.

Katsumi's eyes widened and she turned to Midoriya. The two looked at each other giving the same worried look. 

"Kota," Katsumi said.

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