Chapter 24

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It's now after school and Y/N is getting her things from her locker. While she was doing it Bakugou came up behind her and said, "Remember the bet you lost?" 

"Yeah I do, but I don't know if I wanna go out with you," She said as she closed her locker.

"What!" Bakugou said. 

"Until you properly ask me out," She said looking at him, crossing her arms while smirking. 

"Fine, Y/N..." He began. 

"Go on," Y/N teased. 

"Will you um" He continued trying not to yell. 

"Go out on a date... with me," He finished. 

"Hmm, no," Y/N said. "WHAT! I ASKED YOU OUT! PROPERLY!" He yelled. 

Y/N laughed at his reaction and said, "I'm just messing with you. Yes, I'll go out with you," 

Bakugou's face softened once he heard her agree to the date. 

"Good," He huffed. 

"So, where are you gonna take me?" Y/N asked.

"We're going to my house," He said as he began walking out of the building. 

"What are we gonna do there?" She asked. 

"You'll see," He said. 

On their way to his house, they stopped at the market. 

"Don't get lost, okay?" Bakugou said to Y/N. 

"It hurts that you think I could get lost like a child," Y/N said dramatically. 

"We both know you will, dumbass," He said as he grabbed a basket. 

Bakugou began putting in the ingredients he needed, while he was grabbing an ingredient he noticed Y/N wasn't next to him. He rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. 

"Y/N where did you go. I told you not to get lost," He said as he went through the isles trying to find Y/N until he heard the P.A system say, "Bakugou Katsuki, your child is at the front. Please come get her," 

"This fucking idiot," He said as he stomped to the front. 

Once he got there he saw Y/N playing with the hem of her skirt. Once she looked up she saw a furious Bakugou. 

"Y/N. I told you not to get lost," He said in a murderous tone. 

"I know, but I got distracted. Then I lost you," She said looking at the floor. 

When she looked up to look at Bakugou she said, "But hey! You found me!" She said with a stupid grin. 

"You're lucky I found you," He said. 

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get the rest of the things you need," She said as she began walking. 

"Don't get lost again," He said. 

"I won't," Y/N said smiling at him. 

His expression softened when Y/N smiled. 

"Good," he said. While they were walking his hand made contact with her's. Neither flinched at the contact. Bakugou continued walking and his hand slowly got closer to hers. Eventually the two linked pinkies. Y/N looked at their hands, then up at Bakugou, and smiled. 

He looked away and said, "I'm only doing this so you won't get lost," 

Y/N looked up at him and said, "Right, thanks," She gave him a kiss on the cheek and they continued shopping.

Once they finished getting the ingredients, they began walking home. Once they arrived Bakugou set the bags on the kitchen counter. Y/N then walked to counters and leaned on one, watching Bakugou take off his blazer and roll up his sleeves. She did the same and began taking off her blazer. She then unbuttoned her shirt a little, making it comfortable, and removed the tie. 

"So, what are we gonna make, Chef," Y/N said as walked up to him and rolled up her sleeves. 

"I'm going to make some dinner, you're gonna watch and learn" He responded getting out the ingredients and bowls. 

"As you wish, Chef " Y/N said putting her hands up. 

"Mhmm, that smells so good!" Y/N said as she smelled (Favorite food) Bakugou was making. 

"Bakugou! Let's play some music!" Y/N said as she grabbed her phone and turned on "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen. 

"I'm not dancing, idiot," Bakugou grumbled. 

"Yes, you are," Y/N said as she grabbed his hands and began to dance with him. 

"You really are an idiot," Bakugou said. 

"Yeah, and what about it?" Y/N said laughing. Bakugou eventually gave in and danced with Y/N. 

"DUMBASS THE FOOD!" Bakugou yelled as he went to check on it. 

"Thank god," Bakugou said as he let out a sigh of relief. 

"Is that f/f?" Y/N asked as her eyes sparkled. 

"Yeah, you better like it," He said as he served the food. 

They both sat down at the table. "It looks delicious, thank you!" Y/N said as she began eating.

 "This is my all-time favorite food!" Y/N said as she ate. 

"Good, I'm glad you like it," He said as he ate. 

Once they finished eating Bakugou and Y/N cleaned up the kitchen. 

"Everything was delicious. Thank you, Bakugou," She said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Yeah, whatever. I'm glad you liked it," He said looking away. 

They continued to hang out until it was around 7:30. "It's getting late, I should go," Y/N said as she picked up her bag. 

"Yeah, I'll walk you home," Bakugou said. 

"It's fine, I can go on my own," Y/N said. 

Bakugou then came up to Y/N and said, "I wasn't asking," Y/N nodded her head and they began walking to her house.

They walked in comfortable silence. Once they arrived at Y/N's house Y/N said, "I had a great time, thank you for today," 

"Yeah, me too," Bakugou said. 

Before Y/N entered her house Bakugou leaned in for a kiss. Y/N leaned in as well. She was met with his warm and soft lips and the scent of caramel. When they parted Y/N said, "Thanks again," 

Bakugou said, "Yeah, of course," 

"Oh and before I forget, I'll tell you about everything tomorrow. Goodnight," Y/N said. 

"Yeah, night," he said as she closed the door. 

The first date was a success.

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