Chapter 75

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It's Katsumi's last night in UA. The next day she would be gone. She'd be back to her time now that her mission was accomplished. Few knew the real reason but to those who didn't, she was moving away. 

"KATSUMI!! I'm gonna miss you!" Mina cried as she dropped her arms around Katsumi's neck and sobbed into her shoulder.

"Mina! Ha! I'm gonna miss you too," Katsumi said as she held Mina and chuckled.

"Alright, Mina... let's not get so emotional. or else... I'M GONNA GET EMOTIONAL!" Kirishima said as his eyes began to water.

Katsumi chuckled at the face Kirishima was making. 

"Kiri, you're an ugly crier..." Katsumi laughed.

Kirishima chuckled as he wiped his tears. Katsumi smiled and went to say goodbye to everyone else.  Ururaka sobbed as she clung onto Katsumi, even though she knew she'd see her again. Midoriya had to pull her off so he could say goodbye, followed by everyone else. Once everyone said goodbye, Y/N and Bakugo walked up to her and hugged her. They had a little group hug while everyone else began going to their rooms.

"I'll see you soon, Sumi. Make sure not to cause problems," Y/N whispered as she chuckled.

"Only a dumbass will cause problems. Lucky for her she's my kid," Bakugo whispered.

"Okay, okay. I won't. I'll see you guys in the future," Katsumi said as they pulled away.

Bakugo and Y/N nodded and smiled. Katsumi turned around and began walking out of the dorms and towards Aizawa who was waiting outside for her as he said her goodbyes. Aizawa was leaning against the fence in front of the dorms, when he saw Katsumi begin to approach him, he pushed himself off the fence and stood up.

"Ready? We wanna leave before anyone else sees and finds out," Aizawa said.

"Yeah, I'm ready..." Katsumi said softly with a smile as they walked.

Katsumi lead Aizawa towards the area the portal was when she first arrived. Once they arrived, Katsumi saw the portal glow in the dark. She walked towards it and reached her hand towards it. 

"I'm finally going to be with them. For real this time," She thought as the portal's light shined against her face. Her red eyes glowed from the light as her ash blonde hair blew in her face. She smiled and turned to Aizawa.

"When I walk through, destroy this. Make sure no one ever uses this again," Katsumi said.

"Once you walk through, I'll give it a moment before I destroy it, don't worry," Aizawa said.

"Okay, thank you... Goodbye Mr. Aizawa, I'll see you in the future," Katsumi said as she gave him a hug before she walked through.

Her head spun as she walked out of the portal. She stumbled to the ground and fell onto her knees the moment she took a step out. She stared at the ground beneath her and noticed how the bright glow slowly disappeared, leaving her in the darkness. She stumbled through the darkness, her eyes couldn't make up where she was. 

"Where am I? This isn't... Did they move the portal? Am I... this is a room... but... where?" Katsumi thought as she walked through the room.

Katsumi's footsteps were the only sound that could be heard. She walked with her hands out in front of her as she dragged her feet on the ground to keep herself from stepping on anything or tripping. However, that didn't help. She had knocked over some glass object onto the ground. It shattered the moment it hit the ground. She quietly yelped as she walked away from the glass. As she walked through she heard another set of footsteps approach the room from behind her. She gasped as she turned her head, only to see the door swing open.

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