Chapter 66

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"Toga, I need you to be a good girl and get into the police department," Shitori said as he stood up from the bar.

He began to make his way over to Toga who was playing around with a knife. She looked up at him in confusion.

"What? Why? I'm already 'working' with the Hassaikai," Toga replied.

"Its just this one simple task. I just need to find someone on their database, here's a picture of her," Shitori said as he handed her a picture of Katsumi.

"Um, okay. I just need to get an officers blood so I can sneak in," Toga replied as she stood up.

"That's my good girl," Shitori said as he put his index finger under her chin and lifted her face to his.

"You always do exactly what I need you to do, that's why you're my girl," Shitori whispered into her ear with a smirk. 

Toga had a bright blush spreada across her face as well as a large smile. Shitori smirked as he moved back then dropped her head. He then began to walk away while Toga left the base.

As she was walking around the city, she ran into a police officer. She walked over to the police officer as she looked at the ground.

"Excuse me, officer? Could you help me really quick?" Toga said.

"Yes, what could I do for you?" The officer replied.

"Could you follow me? There's some thugs in the alley and they have my friend," Toga replied as she pulled him towards an empty ally.

Once they got to the dark alley, the officer looked around in confusion. He walked into the ally and turned on his flash light.

"Are you sure they're here?" The officer said as he turned around.

As he turned around Toga lunged at him and slit the man's throat as she sucked the blood out of him.

"Suck, suck, suck. Oou! I got a load of blood! Shitori's gonna be so happy!" Toga exclaimed as she jumped off the officer and left his dead body in the ally. 

Once Toga was finished she began walking back to the base to transform into the officer. When she arrived, she quickly began to remove her sweater and unbutton her shirt. As she was unbuttoning her shirt, Shitori walked into the room.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Shitori asked as he leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Getting naked!" Toga exclaimed as she turned to him.

"I can see that," Shitori said sarcastically.

"I got an officer's blood so that I can transform and get the information you need," Toga said as she removed her shirt leaving her in only her bra and skirt.

"Good, I just need you to search up a Katsumi Bakugou. If she doesn't show up, my suspiscions are correct," Shitori said as he eyed Toga.

Toga realized he was eying her and blushed. 

"Um, Shitori? Could you... turn around?" Toga asked flustered.

"No. I'm enjoying the show," Shitori said with a smirk.

"Please?" Toga added.

"Fine, let me know when you're back," Shitori groaned as he turned around and Toga removed her skirt.

"I will, I'm off," Toga said as she transformed into the officer and walked out the door.

Shitori then finally turned around and watched as she closed the door behind him. He had a blush across his face as well as a soft smile. 

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