Chapter 70

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"There you are! We've been waiting for you," Midoriya said as he saw Katsumi run to the entrance of the meeting.

"I know, I know, I just had to take care of something," Katsumi said as she caught her breath.

"Katsumi, we were dealing with the same issue and I got here before you," Kirishima said as he opened the door for them.

"I went to check on Y/N while you came here," Katsumi deadpanned as she walked through and sat down next to Aizawa.

"You're late," Aizawa said as he watched Katsumi sit down.

"My bad, I was taking care of a couple of drama queens," Katsumi whispered as they began the meeting.

"There are so many heroes... and I don't know any of them," Katsumi thought.

Katsumi looked around and saw many Pro Heroes. There were the bigger and more well know heroes, such as Fatgum, Nighteye, Ryukyu, Grand Torino RockLock, and others. While there were some smaller heroes and not as popular, along with sidekicks. Ochako, Tsu, Tamaki, and Mirio were also there. Bubble Girl began the meeting by explaining the investigation they've been doing on the Shie Hassaikai.

"Is that Grand Torino? Uncle Izu told me about his internship with him when I was younger. I think other than him and Aizawa, he's the only other familiar hero. And then Nighteye, Ryukyu, and Fatgum. Those are the only heroes I know from the work studies Uncle Eijiro told me and Uncle Izu and Aunty Ochako," Katsumi thought as she looked around.

 "Katsumi, pay attention. If you think Shitori is involved then you have to know all the facts and evidence," Aizawa scolded.

"I am paying attention," Katsumi replied as she returned her attention to the meeting.

"Hassaikai's movements are hard to trace, but we suspect one of their main sources of income is illegal drug sales. So I requested help from heroes who have some expertise in that area," Nighteye said as he looked at Fatgum.

"Yup, I brought in my fair share of drug dealers back in the day, and at Red Riot's debut fight, he proved he could, too!" Fatgum said.

Katsumi looked over at Kirishima who was attentively listening to Fatgum. She returned her attention back to him as he continued speaking.

"Tamaki was shot and the bullet contained some kind of drug I've never heard of before. One that destroys quirks," Fatgum added.

"Destroys quirks? They never mentioned anything like this to me or Uta when we were kids," Katsumi thought. 

Her face expressed concern and fear at the thought of loosing her quirk. She knew it would only happen if she was shot but the idea of losing it scared her. 

"Yeah, the stuff wore off while I was sleeping," Tamaki said as he held up his hoof arm.

"Oh, thank god," Katsumi thought as she sighed in relief.

While Katsumi was in the meeting, Y/N was at the dorms training for her liscence exam. She was practicing control over her water manipulation and freezing technique. As she was practicing, Bakugo watched from the terace of his bedroom. He watched how fluid her movements were and how she maintained control over the water she made float above her. As he was watching he accidentally dropped his phone on the ground. Y/N broke out of concentration and dropped the water on herself.

"Shit!" She yelled as the water dripped down her.

She looked around and didn't see anyone or anything. She shrugged and dried herself off. She then returned to practing. Bakugo stood back up after hiding from her. 

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