Chapter 27

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It was the next morning and Bakugou woke up next to Y/N. It finally stopped raining, the sky was blue and the sun was out. The sun peered through Y/N's window and onto her face. Bakugou couldn't help but admire her beautiful features in the sun. Y/N's eyes began to flutter open and to her surprise, she saw Bakugou's red orbs looking into her e/c eyes. 

"Mm, good morning Katsuki," Y/N said as she stretched her arms. "You finally woke up," Bakugou said. 

"Geez no 'good morning' or 'how'd you sleep' for me? Wow," Y/N said dramatically and she got out of the bed. 

"Tch, your so dramatic," Bakugou said. 

"You know me so well," Y/N said. 

"Anyways, do you wanna eat something before we meet with Kirishima and Katsumi?" Y/N asked as she stood by the door. 

"Yeah, but I'M cooking," Bakugou said as he pushed past Y/N. 

"Fine, you cook well, so it's a win for me," Y/N said with a stupid grin. Bakugou rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen. 

Y/N was following behind and said, "So, what are you gonna make?" 

"Pancakes," Bakugou said. 

"Ok, gotcha. I'll get the stuff out for you," Y/N said as she began taking out the ingredients. 

Once they finished preparing the pancakes, Bakugou and Y/N began eating. 

"Mhmm what smells so good?" Y/N's dad asked. 

"Bakugou made pancakes, you can grab some if you want," Y/N said as she took a bite out of her food. 

"Thank you," Mr. L/N said. The three talked for a while until Y/N and Bakugou finished. 

"Hey dad, we're gonna go study for finals with a couple of friends today," Y/N said as she left the table picking up her plate. 

"Ok, make sure you study and not fool around. Got it?" Mr. L/N said. 

"Of course, dad," Y/N said as she and Bakugou went upstairs. 

"I'm gonna go to my house and I'll meet you over at the cafe at 3. Don't be late," Bakugou said as he picked up his things and left. 

At Bakugou's house:

Once Bakugou arrived at home, he was greeted by his mother who had a cheeky smile plastered on her face. 

"What's with the face?" Bakugou asked. 

"Oh nothing, just wondering if you and Y/N..." Mitsuki said raising her brows at Katsuki. 

"Me and Y/N what? I'm not a damn mind reader," Bakugou said as he walked to the stairs. 

"If you and Y/N ya know, and if you did, did you use protection? I don't wanna be a grandma yet," Mitsuki said. 

"WHAT THE! NO, WE DIDN'T!" Bakugou yelled all flustered. 

"I was just asking," Mitsuki said raising her hands. 

"Tch, and your already a grandma you just don't know it," Bakugou mumbled as he went upstairs to his room.

At Y/N's house:

"Y/N hurry up or else you'll be late for your study session," Mr. L/N shouted from downstairs.

 Y/N quickly picked out an outfit and went downstairs. 

"Ok, I'm going now. I'll see you later!" Y/N said as she ran down the stairs. 

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