Chapter 56

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The remaining sstudents of Class 1-A were battling the students from Shiketsu high. Y/N was quickly able to stop the balls from reaching her targets by catching them using her ultimate move, Aqua hand or deflecting them. They continued fighting until they were separated by Shindo using his quirk, vibrate,  to create an earthquake in the area they were in. 

"What the hell?" Y/N yelled as she fell to the ground.

"What is this?" Mina yelled.

The ground beneath them began crumbling and coming apart, causing everyone to loose their footing and get separted.

Y/N groaned and rubbed her head as she got up from the ground.

"Am I alone now? Great," Y/N said sarcastically as she looked around.

Y/N began walking around trying to regroup with her friends. As she was walking an examinee attacked her from behind a rock. They quickly threw a ball at Y/N nearly hitting her target. She managed to dodge the attack and counter it. She quickly pulled out one of her balls and ran up to the examinee. She used her quirk to freeze their feet to the ground and then she grabbed their arms while she hit their last target with her ball. 

"Not that it wasn't fun but I gotta go, see you later," Y/N said as she began running.

"Wait! Unfreeze me first!" The examinee yelled as they tried to move.

Y/N continued searching until she ran into Ochaco. A wave of relief came onto Y/N as she saw her bestfriend. The two were hidden behind some rocks as they began talking.

"Ochaco! Thank goodness! I've been looking for you!" Y/N said.

"Y/N! There you are!" Ochaco said.

"Is it just you?" Y/N asked

"Yeah, I don't know where everyone else is," Ochaco said.

Y/N then peeked around the rock trying to find other people. As she turned back around to face Ochaco she felt a hand cover her mouth.

"Wha-" Y/N tried to speak but her words were muffled by a cloth.

"Chlorofoam. You'll be out in a couple seconds. Hope you have a nice nap," Ochaco said.

"You're..." Y/N said as she watched the girl's skin melt off revealing Toga. 

"Correct!" Toga said as Y/N passed out in her arms.

Toga moved Y/N's hair out of her face. She then began carrying Y/N out of the arena. Once they were out Y/N was put into a van. 

"Let's go," Toga said as she laid Y/N's head on her lap.

"Good job, Toga," Shitori said as he pat her head.

Dabi began driving away and headed to base. 

"Why are we doing this?" Dabi asked as he drove.

"Because, she's my little sister and I want her on our side. She'll be a great addition... plus I want her away from that idiotic boy," Shitori said, mumbling the last part.

"I could've been doing so many different things," Dabi said as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, like what? Breaking into your family's house?" Shitori said.

"Go fuck yourself," Dabi said.

"You first," Shitori challenged.

"Boys, calm down," Toga said.

Y/N slowly began regaining conciousness. Her eyes still felt heavy and her vision was blurred. She tried making out her surroundings but was unable to. 

"W-where... am I?" Y/N asked as her eyes fluttered open.

She tried to move but her wrists were restrained. She could feel chains around her ankles. A cold breeze flowed past her causing her to shiver. She tried standing up but fell to the ground. She could hear someone walking towards her. Her vision was still slightly blurred. 

"Who's there?!" Y/N asked.

"Nice to see you again, Y/N," Shitori said as he opened her cell.

"What do you want, Shit-ori" Y/N spat. 

"Clever little girl," Shitori said as he knelt down to grab Y/N's face.

Her hair covered her face as he moved her head up, facing him. Y/N's vision started to come back. Her hands were cuffed behind her back. She tried to use her quirk but was unable to. 

"Darling, you can't use your quirk with those cuffs. They cancel out your quirk," He said.

Y/N's eye sight finally returned and she could clearly see Shitori's green eyes. She made a disgusted expression as she looked at him.

"I wish my vision was still gone so I wouldn't have to see your disgusting face. Not even a mother could love that face," Y/N spat.

"Didn't your best friend love this face? I mean she would go on about how handsome I was," Shitori replied with a smirk.

Y/N's eyes widened. She tried to break the chains off the wall but couldn't. Shitori could see her desperation.

"Leave her out of this. You have no right to-" Y/N began.

"No, you have no right. You were the one that couldn't save her. Don't blame me for something you were too weak to do," Shitori said.

"You're a monster," Y/N said.

"You grew up with me. You wanted to be like me. So I guess that makes you one too," Shitori said as he stood up. 

"Let me go!" Y/N yelled as she stood up.

"Get comfortable, Y/N. You're going to be stuck here," Shitori said as he walked away leaving Y/N in her cell.

Everyone from class finished the first part of the test. Class 1-A was patiently waiting in the waiting room for the test to finish. As they were waiting Bakugou looked around for Y/N. As he was looking he saw Katsumi.

He walked up to her and said, "Teapot, have you seen Y/N?" 

Katsumi turned around and said, "No, I haven't actually. Ochaco, have you?" 

"No, I haven't seen her since we got seperated," Ochaco said as she looked at Bakugou.

"Where the hell is that idiot then!?" Bakugou asked.

"Calm down, Kacchan. I'm sure she's still in the arena or she went to the bathrooms or something," Midoriya said.

"Shut up, Deku!" Bakugou yelled as he stomped away.

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