Chapter 18

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"I finally found you Y/N," Shitori said as he watched the sports festival on the TV .

"U.A. High by Musutafu, I'll finally get to you and your quirk will be mine," He said as he watched her receive her medal on the TV. 

"Shitori! Let's go! I found us a job!" A blonde girl called. 

"All right, I'm coming," He said as he turned off the TV and left. 

At Y/N's house:

"Hey, dad! I'm home!" Y/N said as she walked into her house. 

No answer. "Dad?" She said looking around the house until she found her dad in the yard. 

"Dad, what are you doing?" She asked as she watched her dad use his quirk on the squirrel.

"Hey sweetie, I'm just practicing my blood bending," He said as he made the squirrel stand using his quirk. 

"Ah ok, but be careful where you use it. People don't really like the blood-related quirks here," Y/N said kneeling down next to her dad. 

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry about me, I don't use it anymore," Her dad replied as he continued using his quirk. 

"Try it on the squirrel," Her dad said. 

Y/N nodded and began using her blood bending on the squirrel.  

"Good job. You did amazing at the festival by the way, I'm proud of you," Her dad said as he wrapped an arm around and kissed her head. 

"Thanks, dad, I'll go get dinner started," Her dad nodded as he got up from the ground and freed the squirrel of his quirk. 

"So dad, how'd you use your quirk on the squirrel? Did you have to get its blood or was it already injured?" Y/N asked as she ate her food. 

"It was already injured, I just had to touch its blood. I was healing it at first but then got its blood on me and tried using my quirk again," He replied. 

"Ah ok," Y/N said. 

Y/N has two quirks, Water manipulation, and blood bending. Water manipulation is from her mother and blood bending is from her father. Her mother left Y/N when she was little because she saw that Y/N got blood bending as her first quirk. Her mother feared Y/N's quirk and then she discovered that Y/N got her quirk from her dad. Her dad never told anyone about his quirk. Her mother feared them both and left them. Since then it's been Y/N and her dad. Her dad is able to use his quirk if he manages to touch blood. Y/N can use blood bending without coming in contact with blood because of her other quirk, water manipulation. Y/N's dad trained her in how to use blood bending since she was little, so Y/N knows how to use it, she's just careful because society views blood-related quirks as villainous. 

"That was delicious! Thank you, Y/N" Her dad said as he picked up their plates. 

"Thank you, I'm gonna go shower and go to sleep, night," Y/N said giving her dad a hug. 

"Night sweetie," her dad said.

At Bakugou's house: 

"I'M BACK!" Bakugou yelled. 

"NO YELLING IN THE HOUSE!" Mitsuki yelled back. 

"Tch," was all Bakugou said as he began walking to his room. Mitsuki was shocked that he didn't yell anything back. 

"Katsuki, are you feeling all right?" Mitsuki said as she followed him into his room. 

"I'm fine," He said putting his things away. 

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