Chapter 3

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"SUMI! WATCH OUT!" Uta yelled as he tackled her to the ground. 

The villain in the bush sent a large blast but misses because of Uta. 

"WHAT THE HELL!" Katsumi yells at the person. 

The person doesn't say anything but attacks Katsumi. Katsumi manipulates a large wave and crashes it over the villain. The villain was crushed by the wave but managed to get up again.

"Uta! Get out of here! They're attacking me! Not you!" Katsumi yells. 

"NO! I'm not leaving you! I told you I'd always be there for you didn't I! So that's what I'm doing!" Uta yelled back. 

"all right then let's kill this bastard!" She yelled out while smirking, looking exactly like Bakugou. 

She ran at the villain with water tentacles, slashing everything in her path. She then struck down at the villain but they dodged it. 

"Ha! you missed. You stupid child!" The villain yelled at Katsumi. 

She stared at the villain, looking into his eyes while smirking. 

"Oh did I?" she said. 

"NOW!" She yelled at Uta who deactivated his quirk letting the rocks she slashed fall onto the villain. The villain now crushed by the rocks tried to move but couldn't. 

"What did you plan? Why did you attack me?" Katsumi questioned the villain. 

"I need to end off the Bakugous." The villain admitted. 

"What?" Katsumi began to shake. 

The villain noticed her vulnerable state. "We already ended Dynamight and Tide. All we needed now was to end their little girl." The villain said while giving an evil smile. 

"Call your dad." She said to Uta. 

"On it." Uta replied pulling out his phone.

Once Pro-Hero Deku arrived, the villain was arrested. 

"Uta! Sumi! Are you two all right?!" Deku asked checking them both everywhere to make sure they weren't hurt. 

"Dad, you're going into worrying mode again," Uta said as he laughed at his worrying father.

"Right, haha sorry son. But seriously, you're both okay?" He questioned. 

"Yes Uncle Izuku, we're fine. I don't know about him tho." She said as she pointed to the villain.

"Stupid brats." The villain mumbled under his breath. 

"What was that? I thought a grown man who got his ass handed to him by some kids said sum." She said as she leaned into the villain while laughing. 

"You're acting more and more like your mother every day,"  Uravity said as she walked up to the group. 

"Hey mom." "Hey aunty Ochaco." The two greeted.

"Hey kids, both of you are okay right?" she asked. 

"Yup," the two said at the same time. 

Izuku pulled Ochaco to the side and said, "This guy is a part of the group that killed Bakugou and Y/N."

Ochaco widened her eyes, "W-What..." she spoke as her voice began to crack.

The villain was taken into custody and questioned by the police. Deku and Red Riot came down to question him themselves. 

"Katsumi, how are you doing?" Eijiro asked. 

"I'm fine Uncle." She said with an emotionless face. 

Her world began to crumble under her, finding someone that is connected to your parent's death is a lot to handle. Although Katsumi doesn't show it, she's falling apart inside. 

"You know, it's okay to not be okay? We're here for you." Eijiro said as comforted her. 

"Thank you uncle Eijiro but I think I'd rather be alone right now." She said as she walked out of the room. 

"God, Bakugou, she's just like you, won't ever admit when she needs help. She's strong but doesn't realize that she doesn't need to be strong all the time. She won't even cry..." Eijiro said as he laid his head in his hands. 

"Wait, why isn't his name coming up on the database?" The officer questioned. 

"What do you mean it's not coming up. Was he lying?" another officer asked. 

"No, we hooked him up to a lie detector test to question if he was lying about his real name and he wasn't." the officer responded. 

"That's because I'm not from this time you idiots." The villain interrupted. 

"What?" Deku asked as he walked in.

"I'm from the past, from 25 years ago to be exact." The villain said. 

"Why are you telling us this?" Deku questioned the villain. 

"Because I didn't do this by choice." The villain admitted. 

"What do you mean." The officer asked. 

The villain then said, "I was sent on this mission and in return, I would be granted my freedom. I can help you guys bring back Dynamight and Tide."

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