Chapter 8

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"Heroes you may begin." All Might said into the mic. 

"Let's go Deku!" Ochaco said. The two began to enter the building. 

"I'm going to destroy that damn nerd." Bakugou said as he began to walk away from Iida. 

"Bakugou we must come up with a plan for-" Iida said but was cut off by an angry Bakugou.

 "SHUT UP! I'm going after those losers." He said as he left to search for Deku and Ochaco. 

"That guy has some major anger issues. It's kinda scary." Denki spoke up while watching them battle. 

"Yeah, I'm a little worried for Midoriya. Bakugou acting like a villain seems a little too natural for him," Mina said. 

"They'll be fine, we gotta have faith that they know what they're doing." Y/N spoke up.

 Everyone turned to face her. "Bakugou may be scary but he's got talent. AND he's training to become a hero, so he won't do anything to jepordize that and he has morals he follows. He just has his own way of doing them." Y/N said as she watched the battle. Katsumi eyes lit up as she watched her mom stand up for her dad.

"I gotta impress Y/N, I gotta prove I'm stronger than this loser." Bakugou thought to himself. 

"Come on Deku! Where's your fancy quirk now?!" Bakugou yelled. 

The two boys began to battle, Bakugou managed to lay strong hits on Deku. "I'm all loaded up. Why aren't you using your fancy quirk? Are you underestimating me, Deku? Show me what you're made of." He said as Deku pulled out the capture tape. 

"I secret nitroglycerine-like sweat and make it blow up from my hands. Now imagine what I could do with a lot of it." He said as he cocked his gauntlet and pointed it at Deku.

"YOUNG BAKUGOU! You are taking this too far. Don't do it, you'll kill him!" All might said into the mic. 

"He'll be fine as long as he dodges!" Bakugou yells as he lets go of the trigger. 

Katsumi stood there in shock at the fact that her father sent a large explosion at her uncle. She knew their relationship was difficult but she never knew it was this bad when they were her age. Y/N stared at the screen, her face clearly expressed disappointment and worry. They couldn't hear what Bakugou and Deku were talking about but they could tell it was some sort of rivalry. The two boys continued fighting, Deku getting blasted by Bakugou, knocking him down. 

"He doesn't seem like a guy that creates a strategy, but he is quite intelligent." Todoroki spoke. 

Y/N was impressed by his quick thinking and intelligence, her opinion about him was now admiration because of how fierce, strong, intelligent, and powerful he is. However, she took into account his recklessness and his ego.

Deku and Bakugou continued fighting until Deku used his quirk and sent a punch into the ceiling, causing the roof to crumble. Ochaco used this as her opportunity to activate her quirk and get to the missile. She grabbed one of the columns of the building using her quirk and hit many rocks in Iida's direction. 

"So Ururaka plays baseball now," Y/N said while snickering. The class laughed at her comment lightening the tense atmosphere. 

"The hero team...WINS!" All Might yelled into the mic. 

"Poor Bakugou, he's going to beat himself up for this one." Y/N thought to herself. 

Although she and Bakugou have only known each other for a couple of days, they already have a sense of mutual respect. Y/N considers him one of her closest friends at U.A. along with Ochaco and Katsumi.

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