Chapter 20

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"Iida! SLOW YOUR ASS DOWN!" Y/N yelled as she ran to catch up with Iida. 

"Oh, my apologies, Y/N. I did not hear you," He said as he stopped walking. 

Y/N caught her breath and said, "It's fine," 

"Very well, let's get going," Iida said as he walked into the train. 

Y/N nodded and followed behind him. Once they entered the train they went and found some seats and sat down. 

"I heard about what happened to your brother, I'm sorry that you have to go through that," Y/N said. 

"Thank you, Y/N, but I'm all right. I just want to avenge my brother and bring down Hero Killer Stain for what he's done," Iida said. 

The rest of the ride was a comfortable silence because Y/N fell asleep. "

Y/N, wake up. We're here," Iida said as he poked Y/N's arm. 

"Mhmm five more minutes," She groaned. 

"Let's go," Iida demanded. 

"Ok, I'm coming," Y/N said as she picked up her bag and walked behind Iida. 


Iida and Y/N were on patrol with pro hero Manual, "On a normal day, I'd just be waiting for client calls to come in. Not really exciting, but things have been fairly hectic here lately," Manual explained. 

"So you're using street patrols to suppress crime," Iida said. 

"Yeah, exactly," Manual said. 

"I'm glad you two chose to intern at my agency. Why did you choose here?" Manual asked. 

"I chose you because I figured I could learn from you since we have similar quirks," Y/N said.

"You don't say? Could you explain your quirk?" He asked. 

Y/N nodded and began explaining her quirk. "Ah, I see," Manual said. 

They continued patrolling but Y/N noticed something was bothering Iida. 

"Iida, is something bothering you?" Y/N asked. 

"It's nothing," he said. "If something is bothering you, I'm here to talk," She said as she patted his back. 

Meanwhile, Katsumi and Aizawa were doing more research on Shitori and his connection with Y/N. 

"Mr. Aizawa, where are we going?" Katsumi asked as she got into the car with Aizawa. 

"We're going to see Y/N's dad, he said he would give us more information on Shitori," Aizawa said as they drove to Y/N's house. 

Once they arrived they were welcomed by Y/N's father. 

"Hello, Mr. Aizawa, and who's this?" He asked looking at Katsumi. 

"Hello Mr. L/N, I'm Katsumi, nice to meet you," She said with a smile. 

"Likewise, Katsumi. Please, come in," He said as he welcomed them in. 

"Thank you for agreeing to this," Aizawa said. "Of course. I just like to keep Y/N safe," Mr. L/N said as he sat down on the couch. 

"Please sit down," Mr. L/N said pointing to the couch. 

Mr. Aizawa and Katsumi sat down across Mr. L/N. "Thank you, and we understand your concerns. We can assure you with the information you can give us, we will make the most of it and get closer to arresting him," Aizawa said to Mr. L/N. 

"I don't doubt it," Mr. L/N said. 

"So what can you tell us about Shitori?" Katsumi asked. 

"Well, he's been apart of Y/N's life since we moved to America. Y/N met him when she was around 8 and he was around 12. He became like her big brother and he was like a son to me. But it all changed when Y/N told him about her other quirk," Mr. L/N said. 

"Wait, Y/N has 2 quirks?" Katsumi asked. 

Mr. L/N was hesitant at first but then said, "Yes, she has two. Water manipulation as you know and... blood bending," 

"What's blood bending?" Katsumi asked. 

Mr. L/N sighed and said, "She can control people by using their blood but she doesn't have to come in contact with any blood because of her water manipulation quirk," 

"That's good," Mr. Aizawa said. 

"What do you mean that's good?" Katsumi asked. 

"It's good that she doesn't have to come into contact with blood to use her quirk," Aizawa said. "And why would that be a problem?" Katsumi asked standing up. 

"Because she would be treated differently. She would be feared and judged for having a quirk related to blood," He said. 

"Right," Katsumi said as she sat back down. 

"Anyways, Shitori wanted to use her for her quirk. I assume it would've been temporary until he found a way to make it his own. I warned Y/N to not tell anyone about her quirk because people would either fear her or want to use her," Mr. L/N said. 

"We understand why you would want to keep her quirk a secret," Mr. Aizawa said. 

"Thank you, please do not mention anything about her quirk unless it is necessary. I don't want my daughter's life to possibly be ruined because of the quirk," Mr. L/N said. 

"We won't. Thank you for the information. We will come to you if we need more another day," Mr. Aizawa said as he got up and began walking to the door. 

"Thank you," Katsumi said as she followed Aizawa. 

"I have to keep an eye on Y/N. I don't know what she's capable of doing with that quirk. Same with Katsumi. I don't know if she inherited it some way," Aizawa thought as they left.

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