Chapter 36

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"DAD! THAT HURTS!" Y/N yelled as her dad stitched the stab wound. 

"Sorry sweetie, but in order for it to heal I need to do this. Once you go to Recovery Girl you can get them removed, until then you need to suck it up," Her dad said. 

Mr. L/N is a doctor which is why he is stitching Y/N's wound. 

"I can't wait to go to Recovery Girl," Y/N said squeezing a pillow. 

"I know, I'll take you first thing in the morning before you go to camp," Her dad said as he did the final stitch. 

"Done," He said cleaning up. 

"Thanks dad, can you help me to bed?" Y/N asked standing up. 

"Of course," He said as he helped her up the stairs and into her room. He helped her into the bed and kissed her forehead. 

"Don't make this a regular thing, goodnight," He said. 

"No promises, night," She said as she closed her eyes and went to sleep. 

"Y/N! GET UP! I'M GONNA TAKE YOU TO RECOVERY GIRL NOW!" Her dad yelled from downstairs. 

"I'M COMING! LET ME GET MY STUFF FIRST!" She yelled back. 

"I'LL MEET YOU IN THE CAR!' He yelled as he closed the door. 

Y/N got out of bed and quickly changed into her school uniform. Thanks to the skirt, she had no pressure on the wound. She grabbed her backpack and went downstairs. Everything she needed for camp was already in the car. She left her house and locked the door. She limped to the car and got it. 

"Let's go," Her dad said as he began to drive.

Once they got to UA, Y/N got out of the car and brought her things down. 

"Bye dad, I'll miss you," Y/N said as she gave her dad a hug. 

"Bye, sweetie. If anything happens, call me," Her dad said kissing the top of her head. 

"I will, bye!" Y/N said as she walked to Recovery Girl's office. Once Y/N arrived at her office she was greeted by Recovery Girl. 

"Hello dear, what did you need?" she said. 

"Hi Recovery Girl, sorry for bothering you so early. I just needed to heal this nasty wound I got," Y/N said as she walked over to her. 

"It's not a bother, sit. I'll have you feeling better in no time," She said. Recovery Girl treated Y/N's wound and left her leg good as new, minus a new scar. 

"Dear, how did this happen?" Recovery Girl asked. 

"O-oh I was uh jumped by some guys on my way home," Y/N said as she got up. 

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad that no serious damage was done," She said giving Y/N a smile. 

"Yeah me too, thanks again!" Y/N said as she left her office. 

Y/N quickly found her way to where the class was. Mr. Aizawa had just finished speaking to the class when Y/N snuck behind Bakugou. 

"What'd I miss?" Y/N asked Bakugou, startling him a bit. 

"JESUS! Y/N! Don't sneak up on people," Bakugou yelled. 

Y/N tried to hold back her laughter from scaring Bakugou but she couldn't. She looked at 

Bakugou with watery eyes and puffed cheeks until she said, "PFFFTTT! I didn't mean to scare you! I swear! But you should've seen your face!" Y/N laughed. 


"There they go again," Ojiro said. 

"Those two are always yelling," Hagukure said to him. 

Ojiro nodded and they returned to their conversation. 

"You plan on killing me? Your sweet, beautiful, loving girlfriend?" Y/N asked dramatically. 

"Don't get a big head," Bakugou said. 

"Like yours?" Y/N asked putting a hand on her hip. 

"Fuck you!" Bakugou yelled. 

"Can I at least get a kiss first?" Y/N said faking an innocent smile. 

Bakugou grabbed Y/N's face and kissed her. Y/N was surprised at first but then kissed back putting her hands on his chest. They pulled away and Y/N hid her flustered expression in Bakugou's chest. 

He laughed and said, "I won," With her face still hidden in his chest, she punched his stomach. 

"What was that for!" Bakugou yelled. 

"For embarrassing me," She mumbled into his chest. 

"Attention class 1-A! Our bus is here! Everyone line up in seating order!" Iida said. 

Y/N removed her face from Bakugou's chest and grabbed her things. Bakugou began walking to get into the line with Y/N following behind. 

"Hey bus buddy," Katsumi said to Y/N. 

"Heyy," Y/N said. 

Once they got onto the bus, Katsumi sat at the window, then Y/N in the aisle seat, then Bakugou in the aisle seat next to Y/N with Tokoyami next to him. 

Bakugou was peacefully sitting with his eyes closed and arms crossed while Y/N and Katsumi were talking about absolute nonsense. 

"So then Uta and I had to run and hide before Uncle Izu came to beat our sorry asses," Katsumi said laughing. 

"Pffttt, that's hilarious! I can't believe you two made your uncle drop the birthday cake on your aunt," Y/N said laughing. 

"I know! It was my 13th birthday and I got no cake," Katsumi said. 

Y/N's expression dropped when she remembered that Katsumi grew up without both of her parents. 

"I wish I could've been there with you. I'm sorry we weren't there," Y/N said with a sad look. 

Katsumi grabbed both of Y/N's hands and held them in hers and said, "I know mom, but you and dad are here now. I love you both so much," 

Y/N gave Katsumi a big hug and said, "I love you too, I know I've only known you for a couple of months but I got attached to my little bean," Y/N said. 

Katsumi smiled at Y/N and Y/N returned the smile. 

"So tell me about this Uta. Is he cute?" Y/N asked. 

"Mom!" Katsumi whisper yelled. 

"What! I wanna know!" Y/N said laughing. Bakugou heard the whole conversation and smiled. He of course never showed his smile but he loved seeing his two girls happy.  

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