Chapter 34

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"BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" Bakugou yelled out. 

Y/N's eyes widened. She couldn't believe the words that came out of Bakugou's mouth. 

"I-" She tried speaking but she couldn't. 

"I knew it was too soon," Bakugou said as he put his hands in his pockets and began walking away. 

Y/N stood there as Bakugou began getting further away. All of a sudden Y/N's legs began to move on their own. She ran to Bakugou. Bakugou heard her steps and turned around only to be met with Y/N jumping on him. They both fell to the ground and Y/N landing on top of him. 

"What the hell! You-" Bakugou yelled but was cut off by Y/N's lips on his. 

His eyes widened in shock but then he closed them and kissed her back. They shared a long, passionate, and deep kiss. 

Once they pulled away Y/N said, "I love you too," 

Bakugou's eyes widened at her words. He didn't expect her to say them back to her, but it was nice to hear that she felt the same way. She got off of Bakugou and stood up. She then held out her hand and helped him up. 

"I'm sorry I didn't say it before, it's just I've always had a hard time saying it unless I truly mean it," Bakugou's expression changed to one of confusion. 

"So you're just saying it, just to say it?" He asked. 

"NO! I mean no. I do mean it! I really do, I've just never told anyone I love them," Y/N said rubbing her thumb into the palm of her hand. 

Bakugou noticed her rubbing her hand and grabbed them. Y/N looked up at him with a look of confusion and said, "You do that when you're nervous or when you think you've messed up," Y/N showed a soft smile to him. 

"How did you know?" She asked. 

"I notice these things because I love you," He admitted.

 Y/N smiled and dropped her head onto his chest leaving her hands by her side. 

"I love you too, Katsuki. Especially soft Katsuki," She said smirking into his chest. 

Bakugou threw her head off his chest. He turned around and began walking. 

"You can walk on your own now," He said. 

Y/N laughed and caught up to him. 

"Oh, but what if I get lost," She said as she dramatically threw her hand to her forehead and looked to the side. 

"Tch, fine. C'mon," He said as they began walking home.


It was now officially the first day of summer. Y/N was laying upside down on the couch in her living room with her feet in the air while watching TV when she got a phone call. As she went to reach for her phone feet came forward making her fall off the sofa. 

"Ahh! Shit," Y/N said as she rubbed her head and reached for her phone. 

"Oh, it's Ochako. Hey, Ochako!" She said into the phone. 

"Hey! The girls and I were planning on going to the pool at school, wanna join?" She asked.

 "Yeah, I'll be there soon! Which swimsuit are you guys wearing?" Y/N asked.

"They only let us go in the school one," Ochako said. 

Y/N could practically hear her pouting into the phone. 

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