Chapter 39

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"Hey hey! Special delivery from Tomoura! He wants us to bring these along when we go, so I'm guessing there's enough for everyone," Toga said as she skipped into the room. 

"C'mon. I'm ready. Let's hurry up and do this" Muscular said.

 "It's still too early. Besides don't forget, he said we can't do anything too flashy," Mustard said. 

"Yeah, he acted like a spoiled brat when we first met, but now he's starting to take charge," Dabi said. Dabi began speaking when Toga walked over to Shitori, who was leaning on a crate. 

Shitori saw her coming and said, "What do you want?" 

"I just came to ask about Y/N, how do you know her?" Toga asked. 

"That's personal information," Shitori said standing up. 

"Oh come on. I wanna know why she's so important to you," Toga said. 

Shitori rolled his eyes. "Fine, if you really wanna know I'll tell you," He said.

 "Yay!" Toga cheered.

 "We met in America when we were younger, she's 3 years younger than me. I first met her when I was walking home after a mission, there was a group of boys surrounding her and picking on her. I scared them off and then Y/N just stuck with me. I protected her from everything and tried to keep her away from any danger." Shitori said. 

"So you're like her big brother? That's cute!" Toga said. 

"Yeah, I grew up in a shitty home. She and her dad practically took me in and watched out for me. Y/N trusted me more than anyone, she even told me about her blood control. Once she told me about it, I knew I wanted that quirk. However, her dad found out about who I really was and he took her away. I managed to track them down and learned that they moved here. I figured it would be easy to just snatch Y/N and take away her quirk but she's got a little boy toy. He's getting in the way of everything. I won't stop until her quirk is mine and I'll do whatever I need to do to get it," Shitori said with a malicious grin. 

Back at the training camp, the class finally finished their training. They began heading over to the outdoor kitchen area. Once they got there they were greeted by Pixiebob and Ragdoll. 

"Now. Remember what I said? We're not serving your food anymore! Pixiebob said. 

"If you guys wanna eat, you'll have to make your own meals! Starting with curry!" Ragdoll exclaimed. 

"Yes ma'am," The students groaned

"Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everybody!" Iida said facing them. 

Todoroki began lighting the grills so everyone could begin cooking. 

"Hey! Todoroki! Can we get some fire over here too?" Mina asked. 

"Hey, Bakugou. Why don't you use your explosions to light that?" Sero said looking at Bakugou who was kneeling in front of the grill.

"This is so beneath me!" Bakugou said as he sent out an explosion at the grill. 

"Relax!" Tokoyami exclaimed but Bakugou already destroyed the grill with his explosion.

Bakugou got up and left with his hands in his pockets. Y/N watched the whole scene from afar as she was grabbing ingredients to begin cooking. She's always been able to cook since it was just her and her dad. She would make the meals for her dad when he would come back from work. 

"We did it!" The class said as they began eating. 

"Hey, can I sit with you?" Y/N asked as she walked up to Bakugou. Bakugou looked up and saw Y/N. 

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