Chapter 31

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Once they arrived at the store Ochako and Y/N separated from the boys and went looking for their swimsuits. 

"We're gonna go grab some swimsuits, meet us by the changing rooms," Ochako said. 

"Fine, let's go nerd," Bakugou said as he dragged Midoriya. 

"Kacchan that hurts," Midoriya said trying to walk with Bakugou. The girls giggled at them walking away. 

"Ok so which ones should I try on?" Y/N said as she looked at the sets. 

"Hmm, how about this one," Ochako said as she held up a swimsuit. 

"Oo, I like it! I'll try that one, then..." Y/N said as she scanned through the suits. 

"These two!" Y/N said as she pulled out two other swimsuits. 

"And you should try this green one and this pink one," Y/N said as she pulled them out for Ochako. 

"Oo! Those are cute," Ochako said. 

"I know! The green one will totally make Midoriya blush since it's the color of his eyes and the pink will flatter your skin tone and body," Y/N teased. 

Ochako laughed and they began walking over to the dressing rooms.

While the girls were looking for swimsuits, Bakugou and Deku were waiting in the fitting rooms. Bakugou was leaning against the wall while Midoriya was sitting on one of the chairs. 

"So, whats with you and Y/N? Are you two official?" Midoriya asked. 

"Yeah, she's mine. Don't get any ideas Deku," Bakugou growled. 

"I-I don't want anything to do with Y/N. At least not in that way. She's a very good friend, plus she's Ochako's best friend," Deku nervously rambled. 

"Tch, whatever. What's with you and pink cheeks?" Bakugou asked. 

"I like her a lot. I'm just too nervous to ask her out," Midoriya admitted. 

"Of course you are," Bakugou laughed. "What's so funny, Kacchan?" Midoriya asked. 

"You're too chicken to ask a girl out, Deku. You should man up and do it," Bakugou said. 

"Why are you giving me advice?" Midoriya asked. 

"Who has the girlfriend here?!" Bakugou said. 

"Y-you do, Kacchan," Midoriya said. 

"Exactly, so you should listen to me," Bakugou said. 

"You're right," Midoriya said. "I'm always right," Bakugou said. 

"I didn't need to hear the whole conversation to know that Katsuki's most likely wrong," Y/N said as she walked up to the boys with Ochako. 

"Tch," Bakugou said as he dragged Y/N and told her that Midoriya should just man up and ask Ochako out. 

"You know what, Ima have to agree with Katsuki on this one," Y/N said as she patted Bakugou's back. 

"Told you," Bakugou said. 

"All right, go try on your swimsuits. We'll meet you guys outside when we're done," Y/N said pushing Ochako and Midoriya away. 

"All right, let's get started," Y/N said as she walked into the changing room. 

Bakugou followed behind her but Y/N put her hand to his chest and said, "Nuh-uh, you wait out here and I'll come out when I put one on," 

Bakugou rolled his eyes and said, "Tch, fine," and sat down on a chair. 

Y/N closed the door and began changing into the first swimsuit. 

"Ok, I'm coming out," Y/N said. She opened the door revealing her beautiful figure in the first swimsuit. 

"So, how does it look?" Y/N asked. 

Bakugou admired Y/N's beautiful figure. "Hm, no," Bakugou said. "

What do you mean no?" Y/N said as she put a hand on her hip. 

"No, the cut is not flattering and the material isn't nice. Not to mention the color doesn't compliment your skin tone," Bakugou said. 

"Wha-" Y/N said. 

"Yet somehow, you made a shitty swimsuit look good," Bakugou said. 

"Ok thank you, Mr. fashion designer Katsuki," Y/N said.

"Did you forget my parents work in the fashion industry?" Bakugou said. 

"Right, ok I'm gonna go try on the next one," Y/N said as she turned around. 

Bakugou couldn't help himself but peek at Y/N's ass. 

"I can see you peeking," Y/N said. Bakugou's face flushed red and he said, "WHAT! No I wasn't!" 

"I can see you in the mirror," Y/N deadpanned. "WHATEVER! Just try on the next one," He said crossing his arms and slumping in his seat. "Fine," Y/N said as she closed the door.

"How about this one?" Y/N said as she walked out in the next suit. 

"Hm, I think it looks good. But it seems really flimsy like if you were to jump in the water, your tits were to just pop out," Bakugou said as he motioned with his hands. 

"Yeah, your right," Y/N said as she walked back into the fitting room. She tried on the last suit and came out. "Last one, what do ya think?" Y/N said. 

Bakugou admired how the suit flattered Y/N's figure. It was perfect, she was perfect. 

"Katsuki? Hello?" Y/N said as she waved her hand in front of his face. Bakugou snapped back to reality and said, "I like that one. It looks good on you," He said looking away. 

"Thank you, Katsuki," Y/N said as she bent over to kiss his cheek. Bakugou blushed and he watched Y/N close the door of the fitting room.

Y/N exited the room, leaving the two suits she wasn't going to buy. They walked over to the register and paid. Once they finished they walked out and saw Ochako kissing Midoriya. 

"AYE GET SOME MIDORIYA!" Y/N yelled out. Bakugou grabbed her head and covered her face with his arms and pretended to look away. 

"Katsuki, you're suffocating me," Y/N said as she poked his arm. 

"Don't make a scene then," He said as he let go. 

"You have very beefy arms, ya know," Y/N said as she poked his biceps, completely disregarding what Bakugou said. 

"Did you even listen to what I said?" Bakugou said. 

"Did YOU listen to what I said? Cuz I said your arms are mad beefy," Y/N said as she looked at Bakugou. Ochako and Midoriya turned around and walked to them. 

"Hey guys, which one did you get?" Ochako asked. Y/N opened her bag and showed Ochako the suit she got. 

"Oo, I like it! I got this one," Ochako said showing her the one she got. 

"It's the green one! I'm guessing Deku really like it?" Y/N said nudging her shoulder. 

"You asked her out, right?" Bakugou asked Deku. 

"How do you know?" Midoriya said. 

"Are you stupid!? You two were just sucking faces over there!" Bakugou yelled. 

"Yes, I did!" Midoriya said. 

"YAY!" Y/N said hugging Ochako and Midoriya. 

"All right let's finish so we can leave," Bakugou said. 

"Yup!" The other three said as the four walked around the mall.

AN: I dont know if Bakugou's parents are actual designers or if thats a hc bc I didn't find anything online. If its not true then pretend it is. lol anyways thank you! love yall muah!

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