Chapter 53

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Once class A was finished training for the day some students headed to improve their costume while others headed back to the dorms. Y/N went to the locker rooms and changed out of her costume and headed back to the dorms. Same with Bakugou and Katsumi. 

Once Y/N got to her dorm, she grabbed a change of clothes and her bathroom things. She headed downstairs and went to the showers. When she entered the bathroom she went to the shower and turned on the water. Once the shower was turned on she began removing her clothes and entered the water. She began showering and then began using her quirk on the shower water. Once she was done she changed into her sweats and tank top. Once she finished, she left the bathroom and went back to her dorm.

Once she arrived, she opened her room's door and went inside. She threw her items aside and her clothing into the hamper. She then threw herself onto her bed and laid there. She began feeling uneasy and felt as if something was wrong. She got out of bed and began pacing around her room when she felt as if someone was watching her. She slowly walked to the window and looked outside. She saw a figure in the distance looking straight at her. Her heart began to beat and she left her room. She then headed over to Bakugou's room.

"Hey, Katsuki? Can I come in?" She said as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah, come in!" Bakugou said.

She opened the door and closed it behind her. She then saw Bakugou working on his gauntlets on the ground.

"Whatcha working on?" Y/N asked as she walked over to him and sat next to him.

"There's something wrong with this gauntlet so I brought it here to see what it was before I take it for repairs," Bakugou said as he examined it.

"Ah," Y/N said as she watched him.

"Got it, I'll take it tomorrow," He said as he moved the gauntlet away. 

"Good to hear," Y/N said as she scooted closer to him.

Y/N scooted closer and laid her head in his lap. Bakugou could feel how fast her heart was beating and got worried. He moved his head to see Y/N's face and he saw how emotionless her face was. 

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm fine, why?" Y/N asked as she lifted her head off his lap.

"You're making that face that you do when something is bugging you or you're nervous," He said as he turned to face her. 

Y/N looked down at her hands and began to fidget with her fingers. "It's nothing," She said as she looked up and smiled at him.

"Y/N. What did I say about hiding stuff from me?" Bakugou said.

Y/N sighed and said, "I'm just nervous right now,"

"Why?" He asked.

"I um... I think I saw someone looking through my dorm window from the gates," Y/N said.

"What? When?" He asked as he began to stand up.

Y/N stood up with him and grabbed his hand.

"Katsuki, I'm not sure if I did. It could've been something else," Y/N said as she grabbed his arm.

"Fine, but just be extra careful," He said as he looked at her.

"I will. Don't worry," She said as she kissed him.

Bakugou moved his hands to her face and cupped her cheeks. The kiss became more passionate as Y/N threw her arms around Bakugou's neck. He moved one hand to her waist and kept the other on her cheek. Bakugou glid his tongue across Y/N's lips, asking for permission to enter. She opened her mouth allowing Bakugou's tongue to slide in. Y/N moaned into the kiss making Bakugou smirked. He lowered his hand near Y/N's lower back and pulled her closer. Y/N put her hands on his chest and pulled away. She looked at his chest, trying to catch her breath as Bakugou looked down at her. She then looked up at him with a look that drives Bakugou crazy every time. Bakugou looked at her lips, they were red, soft, and plump. He couldn't help himself but kiss her again. Y/N kissed back. They continued making out for a bit until Y/N pulled away. Their breaths were heavy as they looked at each other.

She moved her mouth towards his ear and whispered, "Couldn't help yourself, could you?"  

She moved away from his ear and giggled. Bakugou had a flustered expression but tried to hide it. Y/N then traced Bakugou's jaw using her finger and lifted up his chin. She then kissed his neck and left a new hickey. She then kissed his cheek and pulled away from him.

"Did you just?" Bakugou asked as he walked over to the mirror.

"Maybe," She said with a giggle.

"You asked for it," Bakugou said as he tackled her to the bed and began to mercilessly tickle her.

"Shitori, can we go now? I'm bored," Toga whined as she tugged on his sleeve. 

"Yeah, I saw what I needed to see," Shitori said as he left UA.

"What'd you need to see?" Toga asked.

"That I didn't kill Y/N," He said.

"Why would you think you did?" Toga asked.

"When we kidnapped Bakugou, I had to stop Y/N from controlling Dabi, and the only way I could stop her was by throwing knives at her. One hit her stomach and the other hit her shoulder near her chest," He admitted.

"Ah that's sweet that you wanted to check up on her!" Toga said as she spun while she was walking.

"I needed to make sure she wasn't dead so that I could still take her quirk. But it's adorable you thought I actually cared like that," He said as he pat her head.

"You know, you can care about people. Even though you're a villain, there are people who care about you," Toga said.

"Yeah, like who?" Shitori asked.

"I care about you," She said.

"You shouldn't openly admit things like that... someone can hurt you," Shitori said as he put his finger under her chin making her look up at him.

He then dropped her chin and continued walking. Toga ran to catch up with him. As they were walking Toga was stopped by a group of guys, Shitori didn't notice and kept walking. 

"Hey baby, how you doing?" One guy said.

"Yeah, how about we go somewhere?" Another guy said as he tugged her skirt.

"Friends! Can I get some of your blood?" Toga asked.

"Kinky, I like her," A guy said as he reached out to grab her arm.

As they guy reached to grab Toga, Shitori grabbed the guy's arm and slammed him into the concrete. 

"Don't touch her," Shitori said as he pulled Toga into his chest.

"What's your problem man?!" One of the guys asked.

"Yeah, man! I was just being friendly," The guy said as he got off the floor.

"Leave before I kill you four," Shitori threatened. 

The guys left and Shitori was still holding onto Toga. He realized his arm was around her and let go. He put his hands in his pockets and began walking. Toga followed behind him.

"Thank you, Shitori! I never knew you were so protective of me," Toga teased.

"Shut that mouth of yours before I make you," He threatened.

"Make me then," Toga teased.

Shitori stopped walking and turned to Toga. He grabbed her face with his hand and made her look up at him. He then moved his lips towards her ear and said, "Be a good girl and shut up," 

He then moved away from her ear, still holding her face, and glid his thumb across her lips. He then let go of her face and walked around her. Once Toga processed what happened, her face turned bright red. She had a crazy smile plastered on her face and caught up with Shitori. The two continued walking back to the lair.

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