Chapter 58

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She ran with all her strength. Her body was slowly giving out but she managed to get to the door. She threw the doors open and collapsed to the ground. The doors slammed behind her, waking people up. She began coughing hysterically. She looked down at her hands and saw the blood she coughed up. 

"Who's there?" Ochaco said as she walked to the door.

Y/N continued coughing when she heard Ochaco walking. 

"Pink cheeks? What are you doing?" Bakugou said.

"Someone's there," Katsumi said as she walked behind Ochaco.

"Then turn on the fucking lights you idiots," Bakugou said as he turned on the lights.

When the lights turned on, they saw Y/N. Her weak figure was laying on the ground. Burns and bruises were all over her body. Their eyes widened as they saw Y/N. They quickly ran over to Y/N and helped her up.

"Y/N! You're back!" Ochaco yelled.

"What happened to you!?" Katsumi yelled. 

"I... was kidnapped at the exam... I managed to escape, but... barely," Y/N said before she passed out.

Bakugou quickly picked her up from the ground and Ochaco called Aizawa. Katsumi rushed to the first aid kit. Bakugou gently laid Y/N on the couch and Katsumi began to clean and bandage Y/N's wounds. Bakugou brushed Y/N's hair out of her face. He looked at her and his expression softened.

"What did they do to her?" Ochaco said as she saw all of the wounds on Y/N's body.

"I don't know but this will take a while for her to recover. Not just physically," Katsumi said as she finished wrapping her wounds.

"Bakugou, are you okay?" Ochaco asked.

"I'm fine. You two go to sleep. I'll stay with her," Bakugou said.

"Are you sure? We can stay," Katsumi said.

"Go," Bakugou said.

"Right sorry, let's go," Katsumi said as she pulled Ochaco away.

Bakugou sat on the ground next to Y/N and played with her hand. He examined the wounds on Y/N. He sighed and tears threatened to spill. 

"What's wrong, Bakugou? Ururaka called and said to come," Aizawa said.

"She's back," Bakugou said.

Aizawa walked over to Bakugou and saw Y/N on the couch.

"We need to get her to Recovery Girl's right now," Aizawa said.

Bakugou picked up Y/N and followed Mr. Aizawa. They began walking to Recovery Girl's as Aizawa called her. Bakugou looked at Y/N's face. Her eyes were still closed and her breathing was very faint.

They finally made it to Recovery Girl's and Bakugou laid Y/N on the bed. Recovery Girl then walked over to Y/N and examined her wounds.

"I'll take it from here, you two may go," Recovery Girl said.

"I'm staying," Bakugou said.

"Young man, you can come back once I finish her treatment," Recovery Girl said.

"Fine, I'll be waiting outside then," Bakugou said as he walked out.

Recovery Girl began removing Y/N's ruined hero costume and began treating her wounds. 

"Who did this to you?" Recovery Girl said as she treated Y/N's burns and cuts.

She finally finished healing Y/N and kissed her head. Recovery Girl opened the door for Bakugou and he walked in. He walked over to Y/N and sat in a chair next to her. He then laid his head as he waited for Y/N to wake up.

"K-Katsuki..." Y/N said weakly as her eyes fluttered open.

Y/N began waking up and looked to her side. She saw Bakugou sleeping while holding her hand. Bakugou woke up once he heard her faint voice and looked over at Y/N. Her e/c eyes peered into his red orbs. Tears began to slowly trickle down Y/N's face as she hugged Bakugou. He was surprised at first but then hugged her back. He heard her quiet sobs as he began stroking her hair. 

"Raindrop, what happened?" He asked quietly.

Y/N pulled away and wiped her tears. 

"I-I was so scared. They wanted to do tests on me... but I didn't let them, I didn't let them! A-and they beat me because of it. Shitori reminded me of things and... then I barely escaped," Y/N said as she began hyperventilating and shaking.

Bakugou pulled her back into a hug and she buried her face into his shoulder. Bakugou felt sick after hearing her in so much pain and fear. He's never seen her so traumatized. 

"Y/N, you're safe now. I knew you would be strong enough to come back," Bakugou said softly.

Y/N couldn't make out any words so she just hugged him tighter. Bakugou could feel her body shaking and her heart pounding. He didn't know how this would affect Y/N. All he knew was that she wouldn't be the same. Y/N pulled away and looked at Bakugou's face. She saw a bandage over his cheek. She slowly raised her hand and caressed his cheek. 

"What happened?" She asked as she examined his cheek.

"Nothing, I just got into a fight," He said.

"Did you win?" Y/N asked.

"Who do you think I am? Of course, I won," Bakugou said.

"Oh my bad, I forgot you were the great Katsuki Bakugou," She said sarcastically.

"Hell yeah I am, you got pretty lucky," Bakugou said.

"How so?" Y/N asked as she played with his hand.

"How so? You're dating me, I'm husband material," He said proudly.

"Are you really?" Y/N said raising her brows.

"Are you doubting me!?" He yelled.

Y/N laughed and pat his head. 

"I would never," She said as she laid down.

"Tch, sure," He said as he stood up.

He leaned over and kissed her head. He then fixed the blanket on the bed.

"I love you, raindrop. I'll see you later," He said.

Before he could walk away, Y/N grabbed his hand and said, "Can you come here? Really quick," 

 Bakugou nodded and leaned down. Y/N then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. They looked into each other's eyes and Y/N leaned in to kiss him. It was a passionate, loving, and intense kiss. Bakugou put his hands on the side of her head for support. 

When they pulled away, Y/N smiled and said, "I'm happy I made it back to you," 

Bakugou blushed and smiled softly. 

"I am too," He said as he caressed her cheek.

"I love you, Katsuki," She said as she kissed his hand that was on her face.

"I love you too, now rest. I'll come back later," He said as he kissed her forehead and left. 

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