Chapter 14

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"Why the heck are you guys here?!" Ochaco yells as she opens the door to leave the class.

 "What business do you have with us?" Iida asked.

 "They're scouting the competition, idiots, we're the class that survived the villain attack," Bakugou said as he began walking to the door. Once he got to the door he said, "Now you know what a future pro looks like, now move it extras," Katsumi and Y/N facepalmed.

"Bakugou you can't go around calling people extras," Iida said. 

"So this is class 1-A," A boy with purple hair said as he emerged from the class. 

"I didn't cut it the first time, but now I got another chance. If any of us do good in the sports festival the teachers will transfer us to the hero course, and they'll have to transfer people out to make room," 

When he finished talking Y/N spoke up and said, "Ok, now that you're done with your damn monologue, our class would like to head out. So do you mind, I'm getting tired of hearing y'all coming for my class. Not trying to be disrespectful, but y'all should focus on how you guys are going to perform not us," She said as she began to walk out. 

"These people don't matter, the only thing that's important is that we beat them," He said as he followed behind Y/N. 

"Damn, those two have guts," Denki said. 

Everyone agreed and they left the class. Katsumi ran up to catch up to Bakugou and said, "You seriously almost got us all in trouble with them," "Tch, they were talking too much smack so I had to humble them, learn from your father," He said with a grin while nudging her. Katsumi laughed and they continued walking. 

"Everyone, hurry up and get ready, we're heading into the arena soon," Iida said as he entered the room. 

Y/N and the girls were talking at a table when Todoroki confronted Izuku. 

"What's with all these declarations of war lately," Denki said. 

"Everyone's just on edge with the sports festival," Katsumi said. 

"Ok, let's start heading out," Iida said. 

The class began to head out to the arena when Preset Mic said, "Let me hear you scream as our students make their way to the front stage!" 

The class made it to the front stage and Preset Mic introduced all the courses. 

"Silence everyone! And now for the student pledge, we have Katsuki Bakugou," Midnight said on the stage. 

Bakugou began to walk up to the stage with his hands in his pockets. 

"He better not say anything embarrassing," Katsumi said as she watched her dad go up to the stage. 

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win," Katsumi facepalmed at what he said. 

"Idiot," Y/N mumbled under her breath. 

"Without further ado, it's time for us to get started!" She began to explain the first event, the obstacle course. All the students got ready to begin. 

"Try and keep up," Bakugou said to Y/N and Katsumi as the doors opened letting them begin. Y/N and Katsumi smirked as they activated their quirks. Y/N used her quirk to shoot out water from her hands making her able to launch forward while Katsumi used her water tentacles to swing through.

"I'M COMING FOR YOU BAKUGOU!" Katsumi yells as she swings through until a robot intercepts her path. 

Katsumi uses her momentum to flip and slash past the robot. As they pass through the obstacles, they finally made it to the final one. Bakugou was flying past it using his explosions to propel him through the air, while Y/N used her quirk to form steps out of ice she created. Katsumi uses her tentacles to swing past. Bakugou was too busy trying to pass Todoroki when Izuku flys past using the bombs in the field and the piece of robot landing in first with Todoroki in second, Bakugou in 3rd, Y/N in 4th, and Katsumi in 5th.

"Are you sure we're supposed to be wearing these?" Tsu asks. 

"Apparently," Y/N said as she pulls down her skirt. 

"Don't you think these are a little too small? I'm spilling out of the top" Momo says as she tries to adjust the uniform. 

"Yeah, they are. Anyways let's just head out before we're late," Y/N said. 

The girls begin to exit and make their way to the arena. "Hold on! Looks like class 1-A is going full fan-service," Preset mic says catching Bakugou's attention. 

"You tricked us! You will pay for this!" Momo yells at Denki and Mineta who were snickering.

He turns around and sees Y/N in the cheerleading outfit. He turns bright red and yells, "DUMBASS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING!?" 


Bakugou's face changes to pure rage as he grabs Denki and Mineta by the collar and drags them away to yell at them. 

"Welp that solves that problem," Mina said as she points to them being dragged by Bakugou.

Bakugou returned and went up to Y/N and Katsumi and said, "Go change out of that uniform and get ready for the next event," 

"What, you don't think I look good?" Y/N teased. 

"No, I don't," Bakugou said looking away, trying to hide his noticeable blush. 

"You don't mean that," Y/N said as she got closer to him with a flirty grin. 

"And what if you're right? Hm?" He said returning the energy and giving her a smirk. 

Y/N blushed at Bakugou returning her flirty energy. "Then I'd say you have to prove it to me," She said looking him in the eyes. 

"What the actual fuck. Does he not see his daughter witnessing this?" Katsumi thinks. 

"Well, I think I'm gonna go..." Katsumi said as she turned around and started walking to the girl's locker room to change. 

Everyone began looking for people to create their teams for the cavalry battle. Bakugou, Katsumi, Sero, and Kirishima formed one group while Y/N joined Izuku, Ochaco, and Tokoyami. 

"You're going down Bakugou!" Y/N shouts. 

Bakugou smirked and said, "Not if you go down first!" 

They began to make their way to their teams as they started to get ready. 

"Let's teach your mother a lesson" Bakugou whispered to Katsumi. 

Katsumi laughed as she said, "Hell yeah!" Bakugou laughed.

"Hey, why didn't you join Bakugou?" Ochaco asked Y/N. 

"We like to compete against each other. I love seeing the look on his face when he loses to me," Y/N said with an evil grin. 

"Oh, okay! Well, let's get ready!" Ochaco said as they began to prepare. 

"Let's get this party started! One final count down till we start! 3, 2, 1!" Preset Mic announces, and with that, they all begin.

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