Chapter 28

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It's the first day of the final exams. Class 1-A already finished their written portion and now they are getting suited up for the practical part of the final. 

"Now then...Let's begin the last test," Mr. Aizawa said. 

All the teachers gathered in front of the testing center. Mr. Aizawa began explaining what the test would be comprised of. 

"First we have Yayourozu and Todoroki as a team... against me. Then we have Midoriya and Bakugou and they're against..." Aizawa began until All Might fell from the sky and landing in a heroic stance. 

"I am here to fight, your going to have to work together boys. If you want to win," All Might said as he stood up. 

"Y/N and Katsumi you two will go against Midnight," Aizawa said. Once all the pairs and their opponents were all announced they began the exams. 

It was Bakugou and Midoriya's turn to go against All Might.

"Good luck Katsuki. Don't do anything stupid," Y/N said as she walked up from behind. "Tch, thanks," Bakugou said. 

"Ok, well you should get ready," Y/N said as she turned to walk away, until Bakugou grabbed her wrist and angrily mumbled, "Can I have a good luck kiss," Y/N giggled and said, "Sure," Y/N turned to face him and cupped his face and kissed him. 

Once they parted Bakugou had a visible blush and he said, "Thanks, I'll see you when I pass," Bakugou said as he left to begin his exam.  

"See you," Y/N said as she walked to Katsumi. 

"Hey, mom," Katsumi said. 

"Hey, Sumi," Y/N said. 

"Sumi?" Katsumi asked. 

"Hm, oh yeah! I just wanted to give you a nickname. Since you're my daughter," Y/N said. 

"Thanks, mom. I love it," Katsumi said as she gave her a hug. 

"I'm glad. Now let's watch your idiot of a father pass his exam," Y/N said. 

Katsumi nodded and turned to look at the screen. 

"Y/N! Katsumi!" Ochako said as she walked up behind them. 

"Hey, Ochako!" Y/N said. 

"Hey, what's up!" Katsumi said. 

"Just wanna watch the boys with you guys," Ochako said as she stood next to Y/N. 

"I hope they manage to work together," Katsumi said. 

"Deku told me Bakugou didn't wanna talk strategy," Ochako said. 

"God, when will he work with Midoriya?" Y/N sighed as she facepalmed. 

"I know right. Speaking of Bakugou, I saw you two kiss. Are you two finally official?" Ochako asked. 

"Mhm, he's still stubborn and angry tho," Y/N said. 

"There's no changing that," Katsumi said. The three girls laughed and watched the battle. 

"Kacchan, listen. For this exam, the teacher's the villain and we're the heroes, so we need a solid plan," Midoriya began trying to explain what they should do against All Might. 

Bakugou wanted to knock out All Might and capture him, while Midoriya wanted to run away. Bakugou got frustrated with Midoriya and hit him in the face while they were walking. Y/N and Katsumi were watching on the screen inside when they saw them fight. 

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