Chapter 33

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Once Shitori left the cafe, Bakugou, Katsumi, and Kirishima followed Y/N who had her hands in her hair. She was visibly stressed from what just happened. Bakugou saw that and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. 

"It's okay, we're here," Bakugou said. 

"Thanks, Katsuki," Y/N said as she relaxed her muscles and gave into the embrace. 

Bakugou gave no verbal response but instead held her closer and tighter. As Bakugou and Y/N were hugging, Katsumi watched as Shitori was lost in the crowd. 

"Let's find the others," Kirishima said. 

"Yeah, you're right," Y/N said as she pulled away from Bakugou's warm embrace. 

The four began walking through the mall to find the others. As they walking, Kirishima and Katsumi were talking nonsense while Y/N and Bakugou were walking in silence. It was a worrying silence for Bakugou. He began moving his hand closer to Y/N's, brushing his fingers past hers. He then brings his hand back to his side and wipes his hand on his pants. Y/N saw that he wiped his hand and grabbed it. Bakugou was surprised at first but then Y/N looked up to him and smiled. His expression softened and he gave her hand a small squeeze. 

Once they got back they saw Ochako squatting next to Midoriya. Midoriya was holding his neck and Ochako wore a worried expression. Y/N pulled Bakugou and ran over to them, never letting go of his hand. 

"Ochako! Midoriya! Are you two okay? What happened?" Y/N asked. 

Ochako looked up to Y/N and said, "Shigiraki threatened Deku," 

"Who's Shigiraki?" Katsumi asked as she walked up to them with Kirishima. 

"The guy who led the attack at USJ," Midoriya said. 

"Where did he go?" Bakugou asked. 

"He said not to follow him," Midoriya said. 

"I asked where he went, not what he said. You damn nerd," Bakugou said earning a smack to the head from Y/N. 

"Katsuki, not now," She said looking at him. 

Bakugou grumbled and rolled his eyes. 

"Let's get out of here," Ochako said. 

"Yeah, let's go," Midoriya said as they began leaving. 

They began leaving the mall and went their separate ways. Bakugou stayed with Y/N and walked her home to make sure she was safe. 

On their way to her house, Bakugou spoke up and said, "Are you okay?" 

Y/N turned her head to the side to face him and said, "Why wouldn't I be?" with a smile. 

Bakugou stopped walking and said, "Don't fucking lie to me," 

Y/N stopped walking and clenched her fists. 

"I'm not fucking lying," She said. 

"I can see that you want to fucking cry! Why won't you admit it! God damnit!" He yelled. 

Y/N's eyes widened. "I don't want to cry!" Y/N said as she held back tears. 

"Just cry! What good will it do you if you bottle it in!" He said. 

"What about you, huh?! Why don't you just stop bottling your damn emotions? You can't attack me for a problem you know damn well you have," Y/N yelled back. 

"I-" Bakugou said but was at a loss for words. 

"I what?! Huh? Did I hit a nerve, Katsuki?! Did I say what you've been hiding this whole time?!" Y/N yelled, her expression changing into the same cold one she held against Shitori. 

Bakugou stomped over to Y/N and grabbed her face and kissed her. Y/N tried to pull away but he didn't let her. Y/N eventually gave in and they shared a passionate kiss. Bakugou pulled away and looked into Y/N's eyes. 

"W-What was that for?!" Y/N said. 

"I just needed you to shut the fuck up!" Bakugou yelled. 


"AT THE TIME, NO!" He yelled back. 

They stood in silence until Y/N spoke up and quietly said,  "I can't show that I'm weak. It's what he wants. I can't give in," 

Bakugou lifted up her head and said, "You can be vulnerable with me. I may not be the best at expressing my emotions but I can learn with you," 

Y/N put her hands on Bakugou's and pulled them down. She held them while looking at the ground and said, "What if you leave?" She said. 

"What?" Bakugou asked. 

"W-What if you leave... like Shitori... and my mom," Y/N admitted. "I'm not going to leave you," He said squeezing her hands. 

"How do you know that?!" Y/N yelled as she felt a tear fall from her left eye. Bakugou looked at the ground and let go of Y/N's hands. Y/N looked at him in confusion when he let go. 

"Because I..." Y/N's confusion grew as Bakugou was trying to form his words. 

"I-" He said trying to find the right words. 

"Because you what!?" Y/N yelled. 

"What makes you so sure you won't leave?!" Y/N yelled. 


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