Chapter 6

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"Go change into these uniforms and we will meet outside," Aizawa said and the class went to the locker rooms to change. 

"Hey Y/N right?" Katsumi asked startling her mother. 

"Huh oh, yea! sorry, you just scared me haha. What's your name?" Y/N asked. 

"Oh I'm Katsumi!" she replied. 

"Katsumi huh? I love that name! It means victorious beauty, right?" Y/N said looking at Katsumi.

"Yeah, it does how'd you know?" Katsumi asked. 

"Because I've always loved that name," Y/N said. 

Katsumi could feel her eyes swell with tears as she heard her mom say that. 

"Hey, are you all right Katsumi?" Y/N asked with a worried tone. 

Before Y/N could notice the tears, Katsumi quickly wiped her eyes and replied, "Yeah, haha, sorry just something flew into my eye."

 Y/N nodded and smiled as they continued walking to the locker room. 

"Hey guys! I'm Mina Ashido!" A girl with pink skin and curly pink hair said. 

"Hi Mina! I'm Y/N and this is Katsumi!" Y/N replied with a big smile. 

"Wow, she's like a completely different person around us than she was with Bakugou." Katsumi thought to herself 

"Hey Katsumi, everything all right, you keep zoning out on me." Y/N asked her again. 

"Oh yeah sorry I do that a lot." Y/N smiled then said, "Same but let's get to go outside." 

"Yeah you're right," Katsumi said as she began to change. 

"Hey, Katsumi! Why do you look like a fem Bakugou?" Mina asked as the girls walked out of the locker room. 

Katsumi froze, she then gathered herself and managed to say, "Oh, I don't know. Probably some coincidence or something."  

"Haha, you're right, anyways, what are your guy's quirks?" Mina asked almost too excited. 

The girl walked to the field where Aizawa and the boys were standing. 

"Y/N what's your quirk?" Ochaco asked. 

"It's basically water manipulation, I can control any liquid and water in any form." 

Katsumi smiled knowing she had her mom's quirk because in a way she felt closer to her before she met her. Katsumi still couldn't believe her mom was right in front of her, after 14 years of not being able to see or touch her, she could finally create memories with her parents.

"Today we will assess your quirks. Bakugou how far was your throw back in middle school?" Aizawa asked the blonde. 

"67 meters I think," Bakugou responded. 

"Good, now come up and throw this ball, you may use your quirk," Aizawa said as he tossed him the ball. 

The blonde took the ball and with one large blast he threw it into the air and yelled "DIE!". 

The class looked at him with their jaws dropped. 

"what the actual fuck was that. Did my dad really just yell die while throwing a ball?" Katsumi thought to herself. 

"705.2 meters" Aizawa read off the screen. 

The whole class was amazed by Bakugou's strength. Bakugou then turned to the class, as he turned his eyes were met with e/c eyes. He couldn't help but blush, it was faint but Katsumi noticed it. She smiled to herself knowing that he just caught her dad blushing by simply looking at her mom.

It was now Y/N's turn to do the throw. She was handed the ball and stared at it forming a plan in her head. She then decided to launch the ball into the air by creating a pool of water and then pushing the ball into it then releasing it. (Like when you submerge a ball into the water and it launches up. Ya know? please say you know lmao). 

"650.69 meters" Aizawa said 

"Mhm not bad." Y/N shrugged and went back to stand with the class. 

Katsumi was amazed by the plan her mother came up with, she knows she would have never thought of that, especially in that short amount of time. When she turned around to face Y/N, she saw she was busy. She was too busy teasing Bakugou. 

"You know, you're pretty strong for such a hot-head," Y/N said to him with a smirk leaning in to face him. 

"DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH, RAINDROP!" He yelled back at her. 

"Ooh, raindrop... is that a new nickname for me?" She said leaning into him while smirking and looking into his eyes. 

"Tch, I don't have time for this." He said turning around and began walking away hiding the faint red hue on his cheeks. Katsumi laughed after hearing their conversation and knowing how easily Y/N can make him blush.

It was Katsumi's turn to throw the ball. She didn't know what to do, she knew she had to work just as hard as the rest of the class, she couldn't fail. After thinking for a bit she finally created a plan. 

"Ok I'm ready," she told Aizawa. 

He nodded and she began to create a bubble with her quirk. She put the ball into the bubble and it began to float away. 

"600.37 meters," Aizawa said. 

"Yes! it worked better than I thought!" Katsumi said to herself. 

She began walking back when she was approached by a guy with spikey red hair. 

"Hey! I'm Eijiro Kirishima and I just wanted to say that was pretty impressive. What's your quirk by the way?" He asked. 

"I can manipulate water in any form except ice," Katsumi said she didn't give too many details because she thought it could raise suspicion since it's the same as Y/N's. 

"Hey, Katsumi!" Y/N said behind her. 

"Oh hey, Y/N!" Katsumi said with a smile. 

"I forgot to ask but what's your quirk?" Y/N asked. 

"Water manipulation." Katsumi quickly answered. 

"Really! Our quirks are the same! What a coincidence!" Y/N said with a cheerful smile. 

Izuku's turn to throw the ball finally came, Katsumi knew about his quirk, not all the details but she knew that at one point he would break his bones whenever he tried to use it. Before Izuku threw the ball, he was stopped by Mr. Aizawa. 

"What are they talking about?" Ochaco asked. 

"I have no clue, but Mr. Aizawa looks pissed," Y/N responded. 

Mr. Aizawa finally let go of him and allowed him to throw the ball. Izuku focused his power into his finger and blasted it into the air. Bakugou stood there dumbfounded. He was pissed, he charged at Izuku. 

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A QUIRK, YOU BASTARD!" He yelled at Izuku before he was stopped with a scarf. 

Katsumi couldn't believe what her dad did but she remembered how her uncle Izuku said that they had a rough relationship. 

"So this is what he meant by difficult... Yeah, my dad is an asshole. BUT SO BADASS!" She thought to herself proudly smiling.

"You all remember how I said the person who came in last will be expelled, well I lied," Aizawa said as he faced the class. 

The class was relieved. "I still don't know how you guys didn't figure it out. It was obvious he wouldn't." A girl with black hair spoke up.

"All right, go change and head back to class," Aizawa said as he began to walk away. They all headed to change and continued their classes. Day one ate U.A. was a success.

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