Chapter 63

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Disclaimer: Mentions of nudity

The alarm went off and Y/N began to slowly wake up.

"Mhmm, what time is it? 5 am?" She said as she sat up and turned off the alarm.

"Yeah, now get up. I train in the morning," Bakugou said as he sat on the bed.

"Noo, sleep in today. I'm sore," Y/N whined as she pushed him back on the bed.

Bakugou stared at Y/N's naked figure who was now on top of him. He rolled his eyes and pulled her in for a hug. 

"Tch. No, I've gotta train. Come with me," He said. 

Y/N got off of Bakugou and hovered over him. She playfully rolled her eyes and got out of bed. Bakugou followed behind her and grabbed his clothing. 

"Fine but let's bring Katsumi," Y/N said.

"Works for me. I'll just beat you both," He said as he put on his pants.

"Yeah, whatever," Y/N said as she bent over to pick up her clothes.

Bakugou turned to look at Y/N but then turned back trying not to look at her naked body. Y/N saw him trying not to look and laughed. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pressed her bare body up against him and kissed his back.

"What's wrong, Katsuki?" She teased.

He groaned in annoyance and turned to face her. 

"I'm gonna go change. Meet me downstairs," He said as he pushed Y/N's head away with his finger.

"Fine, I'll get Katsumi on my way," She said as she turned away and began changing into her workout clothes.

Bakugou left her room and began going to his. Once Y/N finished training she went to Katsumi's dorm.

"Katsumi, wake up," Y/N said as she knocked on the door.

Katsumi groaned in her bed and lazily walked over to the door. She slowly opened it and saw Y/N at the door.

"Why are you here so early?" Katsumi said as she walked back to the bed.

"What? I can't come and visit my beautiful daughter?" Y/N asked as she walked in and closed the door. 

"Yes, but not at 5 AM," Katsumi said as she rolled up in her blanket.

"Come train with me and Katsuki," Y/N said as she walked over to the bed.

"Noo, I wanna sleepp," Katsumi whined.

"Get up, you're coming," Y/N said as she pulled the covers off of Katsumi.

"Momm!" Katsumi whined as she curled up into a ball.

"Fine, I'll do this another way," Y/N said as she pulled out her phone.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing with that phone?" Katsumi asked.

"Calling your dad," Y/N said as she dialed Bakugou's number.

"Fine! I'm up. Last time he dragged me off the couch," Katsumi said as she stood up.

"Ha, now change," Y/N said as she laid on the bed waiting for Katsumi to get ready.

Once she finished changing, they began heading down to the common space. Once they got there they went to the kitchen to get some food. As they were walking they saw Bakugou cooking some breakfast.

"Finally, you guys are fucking slow," Bakugou said as he served the food.

"Not my fault princess didn't wanna get out of bed," Y/N said as she leaned on the wall.

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