Chapter 13

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"Well?!" Bakugou spoke up. 

Katsumi sighed and said, "Fine I'll tell you, but you cannot mention this to anyone. Got it?" "Got it, now spill," Bakugou demanded. 

"Ok, fine. This may all sound like a joke but it's not, okay? Don't freak out when I tell you," Katsumi said. 

"I won't" Bakugou responded. 

Katsumi takes a deep breath and said, "I come from the future. And I came back to find the man who killed my parents. I came to kill him or capture him."

"Who are your parents?" Bakugou asked. 

Katsumi paused and took a deep breath before she said, "You and Y/N," Bakugou stared at Katsumi until he said, "Y-you're my daughter? And Y/N's your mother?" 

Katsumi nodded and said, "Yeah... hi dad," 

"How did you come here?" He asked. 

Katsumi then tells him everything that happened since they died. Bakugou stays silent for a bit before he engulfs Katsumi in a big hug. Katsumi is surprised at first but then she hugs back. She's always dreamed about hugging her father again, so she ends up crying into his shoulder. 

"Shh, I'm here. You've been alone for too long," he said as he patted her head. 

Katsumi only sobs harder into his shoulder finally being able to feel her father's touch again. 

"So that explains why you look like me and have Y/N's quirk," he said as Katsumi is still in his arms. 

Katsumi pulls away and wipes her tears. "You know, I've always dreamed about hugging you. I was so little when you guys died that I never got to know you guys," 

"Well, I'm here now," He said with a small warm smile.

"So this Shitori guy, what's his deal with me and Y/N?" Bakugou asked as they walked to the cafeteria. 

"Well, we're not sure yet. All we know is that he and Y/N had some sort of connection back in America, and now he wants to find her. We don't know why tho," Katsumi said. 

The two sat down and began eating their lunch. "So what are you going to do? We can't let something happen to Y/N," Bakugou said. 

"I know, I want to keep you guys safe and kill this guy," Katsumi sighed.

"Well, now that I know, that bastard won't stand a chance against me!" Bakugou said creating small explosions. 

"Who won't stand a chance against you?" Y/N said as she came to sit down with them. 

Bakugou and Katsumi looked at each other and Bakugou said, "You. I was telling Katsumi about how you won't stand a chance against me when we train," 

Katsumi sighed and Y/N said, "Is that so? Well, I guess I'll have to prove you wrong," Katsumi smiled and said, "Good luck for the both of you," 

Bakugou and Y/N said thank you and the three continued to eat.

Timeskip to after school: 

"Katsumi, who have you been staying with?" Bakugou asks as they walk out of class. 

"Oh, I've been staying with Mr. Aizawa," She replies. 

"Oh ok," he said. 

"Why?" Katsumi asked. 

"I just wanted to make sure you were staying somewhere safe," he said looking away. 

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