Details and explanations

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Hey guys! I noticed y'all had some questions and some people were confused so I'm here to explain. I forgot to add the details in the chapters so I'm writing them here

First: Y/N's quirk

Y/N can manipulate water. Since there is moisture in the air she can use that water. She stronger when there is a full moon. She can control any liquid but can only shape it. She cannot freeze other liquids other than water. She can only freeze water, unlike Katsumi who can boil it. She can use water from any source and can use the moisture from the air. If she overuses her quirk she gets dehydrated. Once she is dehydrated she will need to drink water in order to use her quirk again. 

Her bloodbending or blood control is only able to be used at night. The moon affects her ability to use blood control. Depending on the moon's phase, her blood control will be more effective. When it's a full moon her quirk will be the most effective, when there is a new moon it will be least effective.

Second: Katsumi's quirk

Katsumi can control water like Y/N. She can do everything Y/N can except for freezing water and bloodbending. Instead of freezing, she can boil water to extreme temperatures. She can create gas from heating the water. 

Third: Mr. Aizawa's letter

People were asking how Mr. Aizawa believed her so easily. Katsumi gave him a letter with information only Aizawa would ever know. I forgot to mention that and I didn't state what the information was. All that you need to know is Mr. Aizawa believed her because of the letter that his future self sent him.

If you guys have any more questions, type them in the comments and I'll do my best to explain. Sorry for the confusion.

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