Chapter 11

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Y/N was consumed with fear as she was led away by the villain, but of course, she wasn't going to show it. Once they arrived at the building the villain removed the knife from Y/N's throat. 

"What the hell do you want?" She spat. 

"I came to warn you," the villain responded, "Warn me about what?" Y/N asked. 

"Shitori's looking for you. He doesn't know where you are, all he knows is that you moved to Japan 2 years ago. Be safe and you should learn how to use it," The villain said before they left her in the building. 

"H-He's coming? There's no way... that bastard." Y/N said as she clenched her fists. 

Y/N composed herself and left the building. She noticed most of the villains were in custody and the class was at the top. She began walking to meet up with them until someone tapped her shoulder. 

"Hey, raindrop, where were you? You weren't with us." Bakugou said. 

"Oh yeah sorry, a villain snuck up on me and tried to attack me but I chased 'em off," Y/N replied turning to face him. Bakugou hummed in response as they walked back to the group.


"You guys! Did you watch the news last night?" Hakagure asked. 

The class responded yes and she continued, "It was so awesome! We got a few seconds of screen time!" 

"Yeah we're like totally big deals now," Denki said as he leaned back in his chair. 

The class began to talk about yesterday's events, but Bakugou, Katsumi, and Ochaco noticed something was wrong with Y/N. She hadn't said a word since she arrived. Usually, she greets her friends with a good morning or some new phrase, but today was different. Her eyes looked tired and she kept zoning out. 

"Hey, Y/N? Are you okay? You haven't spoken to us. Did we do something? Did something happen that we don't know about?" Ochaco asked as she stood in front of Y/N's desk. 

"You know you can talk to us, right? If something's bothering you, you can trust us," Katsumi spoke up as she leaned forward in her chair. 

"Thanks but I'm fine, I'm just tired," Y/N said as she showed them a smile. Bakugou didn't believe her for one second. He knew something was wrong but he knew she wasn't going to say anything. 

"Morning class," Aizawa said. 

He was covered in bandages that were supporting and covering his open wounds and broken bones. 

"Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here!" The class shouted. 

The man limped to the front and said, "The U.A. sports festival is about to start," 

"Let's kick some ass!" Kirishima shouted as he leaped from his seat.

"Wait a second," Denki said as he pushed Kirishima's face down. 

"Is it a good idea to be holding the festival now, especially after we were attacked by villains?" Jiro asked.

"The administration thinks this is the best way to show the villains that the threat has been handled and that the school is safer than ever," Mr. Aizawa said. 

While they continued talking about the sports festival, Y/N stared off into the distance. She began thinking about what that villain said. 

"Why is he looking for me? I said I would never use it, but the villain said I should learn. I mean I already do but I'm-" Y/N was brought out of her thoughts when Bakugou said, "Hey! I've been calling your name, dumbass" 

Y/N blinked and said "Oh, my bad," 

Bakugou noticed her distressed expression and said, "C'mon, class is over," 

"Oh yeah," She said as she gathered her things into her bag and began walking out with Bakugou. 

Timeskip to end of school:

"You're gonna train with me for the sports festival," He said as they walked out of the gate. 

"You're not even going to ask if I want to?" Y/N said as she stopped in front of him and looked him in the eyes. 

"Tch, fine. Will you train with me for the sports festival?" He asked looking away. 

She looked at him and he looked at her and he said, "please," with a scowl on his face. 

"Mm... No." Y/N said 


"I'm joking, Bakugou, I would love to train with you," She said as she began walking without him. 

He ran to catch up with her and said, "All right, tomorrow at my house after school," 

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