Chapter 69

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moments before:

"LEAVE!" Bakugo and Y/N yelled at Katsumi.

Both were too consumed and blinded by their frustration and emotions to think clearly. Katsumi lowered her head and stepped back. She then began walking over to the elevator and made her way to the fourth floor. 

"Why are they fighting? I've never seen her get this mad before. Are they both just being dramatic, or did something seriously happen?" Katsumi said to herself as she rode the elevator.

The elevator doors opened and she began walking out. As she was walking through the halls, she made her way over to Kirishima's room. She knocked on the door and waited for a response. 

"Uncle Eijiro? Are you inside?" Katsumi asked as she put her ear on the door.

"Yeah! Gimme a minute!" He yelled from inside.

"Hurry up!" Katsumi yelled.

"Ok, ok! What's up?" He asked as he opened the door with a wide smile.

Katsumi grabbed his arm and began pulling him over to the elevator. As she was pulling him, Kirishima stumbled over his feet. 

"Whoa! Katsumi, what's wrong?" He asked as he stopped walking.

Katsumi stopped and turned around. She looked at Kirishima and huffed in frustration.

"Can you just come with me? My parents are fighting and I don't know how to calm them down," Katsumi said as she clenched her jaw.

"Yeah, sorry. Let's go," Kirishima said as he walked to the elevator.

Katsumi followed behind and they made their way to the lobby. The ride down was silent. Katsumi was still upset about being yelled at by Bakugo and Y/N. 

"Why did they feel the need to yell at me? Like it's not my fault they're suddenly fighting. AND why are they SUDDENLY acting like fucking adults? I swear to god, they're both a couple of fucking idiots," Katsumi thought with a scowl on her face. 

"What's wrong?" Kirishima asked Katsumi with a soft expression as he put his hand on her shoulder.

Katsumi looked up and took a deep breath. She slowly exhaled and closed her eyes. She pursed her lips and looked back at the ground.

"I'm just upset that they're fighting, that's all," Katsumi said.

"It's gonna be okay, they always fight about stupid things. It's their thing," Kirishima said as the elevator stopped.

The elevator doors began to open and they began walking out. As they were walking they heard footsteps approach. Katsumi and Kirishima picked up their pace at the sound of them. 

"I don't think it's a stupid fight this time-" Katsumi began but stopped when she saw Y/N walk past her with a cold expression.

Katsumi turned around and reached her hand out but before she could reach Y/N, Y/N created a border of water, keeping them away from her. Katsumi brought her hand back and turned to look at Kirishima with a worried expression. They then began walking over to the common area and saw Bakugo sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. They began to slowly approach Bakugo and sit in front of him. 

"Hey, Bakugo... what happened?" Kirishima asked.

Bakugo slowly lifted up his head from his hands. He looked at Kirishima and then at Katsumi. He groaned in frustration and stood up. Katsumi watched as he put his hands in his pockets and began to walk away. Katsumi and Kirishima looked at each other and followed behind him.

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