Chapter 74

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The kids yelled as Inasa used his quirk to lift them off the ground. As he created wind to lift them, Camie used her glamour quirk to create an illusion of the aurora borealis. Todoroki used his ice quirk to create a slide of ice and created hoops using his flames. Y/N smiled at the beautiful sight while she pulled the moisture from the air and created snow flakes that began to gently fall. Y/N looked over at Bakugo who watched the kids surround Todoroki begging to be put on the slide. She slowly made her way over and softly smiled at him. Bakugo turned his attention over to Y/N and kept the same straight face he always wore.

"This was a good plan," Y/N said as she stood next to him.

"Yeah, it was... I'll be right back," Bakugo said as he began walking over to the kid's leader.

The kid turned around and saw Bakugo staring down at him. The kid gasped when he noticed.

"You, too. Get in there and have some fun," Bakugo said as he gripped the kids forearm.

"What are you doing? Get your hands off of me! You think I'm impressed by this?" The kid yelled as he tried pulling his arm.

"You're their leader, aren't you, kid? If you keep looking down on everyone else, you'll never be able to see your own weaknesses. That's just some advice from one of your elders, so don't forget it. Ugh," Bakugo said.

Bakugo then pulled the kid and they both ran over to Inasa and Todoroki. 

"Hey Baldy, Todoroki!" Bakugo yelled.

"I'm not bald!" Inasa yelled as he turned to Bakugo.

Inasa used his quirk and sent the kid up to the top of the slide. Y/N then approached the three boys with Camie and used her quirk to create more snow flakes from the moisture in the air. Bakugo turned to his side and saw Y/N concentrate on creating the snow flakes. As he watched he felt snow gently fall onto his face. He softly smiled as he looked at Y/N. Y/N finished creating more snow and turned to look back at Bakugo. She noticed him smiling and she smiled back. Bakugo's eyes widened and he changed his expression back to his annoyed expression. Y/N chuckled and walked closer to him. Bakugo stayed silent and looked at the kids as well. Bakugo turned her attention from the slide and looked at Y/N. Y/N felt him gazing at her and turned to look at him. 

"Did you mean what you said to the brat?" Bakugo asked, breaking the silence.

"Hm? Oh, yeah... I did, if you want me to of course," Y/N said softly as she turned her body to him.

"Did you mean to or no?" Bakugo asked again.

"I did," She replied.

"Good," He said as he turned his attention to the slide.

"Good? Is that it?" Y/N asked as she laughed.

"Yes," He replied.

"Okay," Y/N said as she threw her hands up and pursed her lips together before she began walking away.

Bakugo chuckled at her reaction and before she could walk away he grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to him. Y/N's eyes widened in confusion as Bakugo pat her head.

"You're so dramatic," He said as put his arm around her.

"What?" Y/N asked.

"You're so-"

"Ever," Y/N cut him off as she grinned at him.

"That's not funny," He deadpanned.

"It's a little funny," Y/N said with a wide grin.

"You're not funny," Bakugo said.

"That's not what your mom said last night," Y/N said.

"YOU'RE NOT FUCKING FUNNY!" Bakugo yelled as a vein was about to pop on his forehead.

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