Chapter 65

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The sound of the clanging of pots and pans from downstairs. The boys were cooking while the girls were upstairs catching up. The two girls were on Y/N's bedroom floor while they talked. 

"So, Y/N, how are you and Mr. Fiesty Pants doing?" Emi teased.

Y/N laughed and said, "You mean Katsuki? We're doing great. We took the next big-" 

"OH MY GOD! DID YOU GUYS HAVE SE-" Emi cut Y/N off but Y/N quickly covered Emi's mouth.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Mr. L/N yelled from downstairs.

"NOTHING!" Y/N yelled back in embarrassment.

Bakugou was standing next to Mr. L/N by the stove as they cooked. Bakugou wore a flustered expression as he tried to hide his embarrassment from Mr. L/N by hiding his face in the fridge. 

"Emi! Oh my god! You can't yell that! Especially when my dad is downstairs," Y/N scolded as she laughed. 

"Sorry, but did you?!" Emi asked in excitement.

Y/N stayed quiet as a flustered expression appeared on her face. Emi quickly picked up on it and laughed. 

"Oh my god! You totally did! How was it?! Was it your first time?" Emi asked.

"That is my private business," Y/N said as she playfully pouted and crossed her arms.

"Y/N!!"Emi whined.

Y/N playfully rolled her eyes and moved closer to Emi.

"Yes, we did. And it was... amazing, and it was my first time," Y/N said with a flustered smile.

"Aww! My baby niece is all grown up!" Emi said as she pulled Y/N in for a hug.

"Anyways, how's being a Pro hero? I heard you've been working with Hawks and Miriko!" Y/N asked excitedly.

"It's awesome! I've been meaning to talk to you about something but we can talk about it later. Right now I think we should find out what the boys are doing," Emi said as she stood up.

Y/N held out her hands and Emi helped her off the ground.

Meanwhile, Bakugou and Mr. L/N were hard at work in the kitchen. The two were running through the kitchen grabbing the ingredients and things they needed to complete their dishes. Bakugou was finishing the final preparations for his dish while Mr. L/N was garnishing his dish. 

"AND DONE!" The boys said at the same time as they threw down their towel.

"And right on time! Come eat, girls," Mr. L/N said.

"Mhmm! What smells so good?" Y/N said as she walked down the stairs with Emi.

"I can already tell this is delicious!" Emi exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.

While Mr. L/N and Emi were distracted with the food Bakugou walked up to Y/N and grabbed her hand.

"Right this way," Bakugou said as he led Y/N to the table and pulled out a chair for her.

"Why are you acting like a dork?" Y/N asked as she laughed and ruffled his hair.

"YOU KNOW WHAT-" Bakugou said but was cut off by Y/N.

"I'm joking. I love it, thank you," Y/N said as she kissed his cheek.

"Well then. You girls sit down and judge," Mr. L/N said.

"Judge?" Emi and Y/N asked.

"Which plate is better," Bakugou and Mr. L/N said as they placed the plates in front of them.

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