Chapter 19

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Y/N walked back to her house. Carefully examining every street to make sure Shitori isn't following her. 

"How did he find me? What does he want? I need to get to the bottom of this," She thought to herself as she walked home. 

She finally made it back home, when she entered she put all the locks in the house. 

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Her dad asked as Y/N was locking the house down. 

"He's back, dad," She said to him. 

"What? I thought we left him in America, where did you see him?" Her dad asked. 

"At the park, he was watching me from a distance," Y/N replied. 

"Ok, you have to be extra cautious now. I can tell your teachers about this, they'll make sure your safe," Her dad said. 

"I don't want to put anyone in danger," Y/N said. 

"They're heroes, it's their job to keep you safe. And with them looking for Shitori, they'll eventually get him and he won't bother you or anyone else," Her dad said. 

"All right, if it keeps others safe then yes, thank you," She said as she hugged her dad. 

"Of course, sweetie," 

At Aizawa's house:

"Mr. Aizawa, Bakugou called me and said-" 

"That Shitori found Y/N, I know. Her dad just called me to let me know about everything," Aizawa said, cutting Katsumi off. 

"What are we going to do? We can't let him get near Y/N" Katsumi said. 

"And we're not. We're going to arrest and question him before he can touch her. For now, do not worry, I've already informed the school about him," Aizawa said. "Ok, thank you Mr. Aizawa," She said. 

"You're welcome," Katsumi then went upstairs and called Bakugou. 

"Hey, Y/N's dad called the school and let them know about Shitori but no one else knows from school. Don't mention it to anyone other than Kirishima, since he knows about him," Katsumi spoke into the phone. 

"All right, fine. But if that bastard gets near her, I'll blow his ass up," Bakugou responded. 

"As expected, anyways night. I'll see you tomorrow," Katsumi said. 

"Sleep well, firecracker," He said and hung up. 

Timeskip two days:

It's the day everyone leaves for their internships. Class 1-A is at the train station getting ready to go their separate ways for a week. 

"Everyone's got their hero costumes, right? Remember you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet and don't lose them or anything," Aizawa said standing in front of the train. 

"Gotcha!" Mina cheered.

"Speak properly Ashido," Aizawa said. 

"Yes sir," Mina said with a pout. Y/N smiled and pat her back. 

"All right, get to it," Aizawa said dismissing them. 

"Katsumi where are you interning?" Kirishima asked as he walked up to her with Bakugou. 

"I'm 'interning' with Aizawa. I'm going to be finding more information on Shitori with him,"  She replied. 

"Ah okay," He said. 

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