Chapter 32

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As they walked around Y/N and Ochako went to the restroom. Bakugou, not wanting to be left alone with Deku decided to go to the bathroom too. Midoriya was left alone. 

"I can wait for them to come back, yeah," He said adjusting his bag.

 "Oh, it's someone from UA, nice. I want an autograph," A man in a hood said as he put his arm around Midoriya. 

"We haven't met in a while. I'm sure you remember when we met during the attack at UA," The man said as he put his 4 fingers around Deku's neck. 

"I also brought a friend with me but it seems like he went looking for someone, I think you may know who they're looking for. I believe their name was Y/N" Midoriya's eyes widen as he remembered that Y/N and Ochako are alone. Shigiraki began leading Midoriya to an empty bench and sat down. 

Meanwhile, in the girl's restroom, Ochako and Y/N were washing their hands as they began talking. 

"So, you and Midoriya?" Y/N asked. 

"O-oh yeah, he finally asked me out," Ochako said blushing. 

"Gah finally! That chicken was taking too long," Y/N said as she dried her hands. 

"You knew!?" Ochako said. 

"No duh, it was painfully obvious you two liked each other," Y/N said as they walked out of the bathroom. 

Ochako covered her face with her hands and said, "Oh my god, how embarrassing," 

Y/N laughed and they began walking back to Midoriya. As they were walking a man bumped into Y/N. 

"Oh, my bad," Y/N said as she turned around to apologize. She made eye contact with the man she bumped into and froze. 

"It's alright Y/N. Long time no see, huh? Why don't we go catch up?" He said showing his knife that was hidden in his sleeve. Y/N saw it and knew exactly what he was planning. 

"Ochako, you need to leave. Go find Bakugou and meet up with Midoriya," Y/N whispered. Ochako nodded and Y/N said, "You go ahead, I'll catch up with you in a bit," with a fake smile. Ochako walked away leaving Y/N and the man. 

"I need to find Bakugou, then I'll catch up with Deku," Ochako said as she called Bakugou. 

Bakugou was walking out of the bathroom when his phone rang. 

"Hello?" He asked into the phone. 

"Bakugou? It's Ururaka. Y/N told me to find you," She said. 

"Why," He asked. 

"Some guy that claimed to know Y/N just came up to us. She said to find you," She said. 

"Did you see what the guy looked like?" Bakugou asked. 

"All I saw was brown hair and green eyes," She said. 

Bakugou knew exactly who that was. Katsumi showed him a picture of Shitori from the files Aizawa had given her. 

"Did you see where she was going?" He asked. 

"All I know is that they went by a cafe near the bathrooms," She said. 

"All right, go to Deku now. I'll go find Y/N," He said as he hung up. 

Bakugou called Katsumi and said, "Shitori's with Y/N. Meet me by the bathrooms right now. We need to see what he wants from her,"

Katsumi was with Kirishima looking for camping supplies when Bakugou called her. 

"Eijiro, we gotta go," Katsumi said. 

"What! I was still looking," Kirishima whined as Katsumi dragged him out of the store. 

"Shitori's with Y/N," Katsumi said. 

Kirishima's eyes widened and they began walking faster until they met up with Bakugou. 

"Finally, let's go," Bakugou said as they began walking to the cafe near the bathrooms. 

Once they arrived at the cafe, they saw Y/N sitting in front of Shitori, facing the exit. Y/N saw the three and made eye contact. They entered the cafe, and sat at a table nearby. 

"What do you want, Shitori?" Y/N asked coldly. 

"I just came to visit my little sister," He said. 

"I'm not your sister anymore. I never was," Y/N said. 

Shitori reached his out to Y/N but she moved away. 

"You know I'm never gonna hurt you. All I want is your quirk," He said. 

"You're still on that? Man, I would've thought you've gotten over it by now," Y/N said crossing her arms leaning back. 

"I know how much you hate that quirk, there's no use in denying it. After all, I know you better than anyone," He said. 

"Knew," Y/N corrected him. 

"Excuse me?" Shitori said. 

"You don't know me anymore, we may have been close when we were younger but not anymore," Y/N said as she got up. 

"Look, Y/N. I just want to make your life easier by getting rid of your blood control. Everything I did was to make your life easier. I still care for you and I still see you as my little sister," He said standing up. 

Bakugou was about to jump from his seat before Kirishima pulled him back down. 

"She knows what she's doing," Katsumi said. 

"You can't manipulate me anymore, I see right through your pathetic attempts," Y/N said challenging Shitori. 

Shitori laughed. "You really have grown a lot," He said patting her head. 

"If you really did care about me, you would listen to me," Shitori said pulling Y/N into a hug. 

Y/N couldn't help herself and hugged him back. 

"See I knew you still cared," Shitori said with a smirk. 

"I may not like you anymore, but I still see you as a big brother. I just wish you didn't turn out this way," Y/N said as she pulled away from the hug and creating distance between them.

 "Understand that what I do is to protect you. That's why I found a way to get rid of your blood control," He said knowing exactly what Y/N's reaction would be. 

He was right, he knew her eyes would widen and her face would drop the cold expression she wore. He smirked. Y/N saw his smirk and her face changed from the fake expression she put on. Instead, her brows lifted and she wore an evil smirk. 

"You really are a manipulative bastard, aren't you?" Y/N said. 

Shitori's smirk dropped. 

"I'm not going to give you my quirk, no matter how much I hate it," Y/N spat. 

"You're gonna die," He said. "I'm gonna kill you," She said back. "You don't have it in you," Shitori said. 

"You don't know what I'm capable of. We're done here," She said as she walked away. 

"You're gonna die," He said one final time. 

Y/N turned her head and said, "I'm gonna kill you," before she left the cafe. 

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