Chapter 40

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While Y/N and AIzawa were training Katsumi noticed Midoriya leave with a plate of food. She saw him beging to walk into the woods. 

"Hm, I wonder where Midoriya's going?" Katsumi said.

"I hope he doesn't get lost. It's pretty dark," Ochako said as she ate.

"Let him get lost," Bakugou mumbled.

Katsumi heard it and smacked the back of his head. 

"WHAT!" Bakugou yelled holding the back of his head. 

"Don't be rude," Katsumi said.

"I don't need this abuse from you. I already get it from Y/N," Bakugou said rolling his eyes.

"Get used to it," Katsumi said as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" Ochako asked. 

"I'm gonna make sure Midoriya doesn't get lost," Katsumi said as she walked away.

Katsumi walked through the woods until she saw Midoriya walking up the mountain. She quickly walked over to him, making sure he didn't hear or see her. As she was walking she saw Midoriya walk up to Kota. 

"I heard that, you must be hungry. Here, I brought curry," Midoriya said in a gentle voice as he held a plate of curry.

"No way! how'd you find this place?" Kota asked with a cold expression.

"Oh. Sorry, I followed your foot steps," Midoriya said walking up to the boy.

Katsumi looked at Midoriya with a gentle smile. She truly did admire him. He was always there for her and knew exactly what to say every time she went to him. Her uncle Izuku was one of her biggest supporters.

"You've always been thoughtful about kids, haven't you, uncle Izuku?" She said to herself with a gentle smile, admiring her uncle. 

She continued listening to their conversation. She hated how Kota was speaking to Midoriya, especially when all Midoriya has done for Kota is show kindness and respect. She didn't understand why Kota had to be so rude towards heroes and heroes in training.

"Hey, about your parents. I was wondering. Were they the Water Hose heroes? With the water quirks?" Midoriya asked. 

"Were? Why is he- oh," Katsumi thought. 

"Did Mandalay tell you?" Kota angrily asked.

"No it's um... well... sorry! but... I heard a little of what happened to them. And based on that information, I figured... I remember reading about that horrible incident a few years ago," Midoriya said in a soft voice.

Kota turned away with a scowle. "Go away," He said masking his anger. 

Katsumi was about to walk out from where she was hiding until she heard Midoriya begin talking about his 'friend' who didn't have a quirk. He began talking about his thoughts on quirks. Him and Kota had different opinions on them, Kota's being he hates them and Midoriya likes them. Katsumi decided to come out from hiding. She walked out to where the boys could see her.

"Hey, I'm sorry for easedropping but Kota, I know what it's like to lose your parent," Katsumi said. 

"What are you talking about?" Kota asked. 

"I lost both my parents when I was little. I never got the chance to know them and I began forgetting about them, but I had my uncles who raised me and inspired me to become heroes, like my parents," Katsumi said.

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