Chapter 62 🍋

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Disclaimer: Smut. Skip if you are not comfortable reading or if you do not want to read it.

Bakugou and Y/N entered the elevator and waited for it to close. Once the elevator closed Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck. She leaned in and met her lips with his. Bakugou's hands found their way to her waist and he pulled her closer. They made out until the elevator stopped moving. Y/N bit his bottom lip and pulled away. Her lips were red, plump, and her cheeks were pink.

"Wha-" He said but Y/N moved away from him and grabbed his hands.

"We can't keep going in the middle of the hallway," Y/N said as she pulled him to her room.

Once they got to her room Y/N opened the door and they entered. Y/N closed the door behind her. Bakugou slowly lifted her chin and crashed his lips onto hers. Y/N moved her hands up to his chest while Bakugou had one under her chin and the other on her waist. Y/N began to lead Bakugou towards the bed, not breaking the kiss. Bakugou sat down on the bed and Y/N crawled into his lap, straddling him. She moved her hands to cup his cheeks while he moved his hands to her hips. Bakugou gently bit her lip causing Y/N to softly moan into the kiss. Her soft moan turned him on even more. He moved his hands lower and found their way to her ass. She pulled away from the kiss and looked at him with an alluring look.

"You're cute when you want me," Y/N teased.

"Shut up, idiot," He said.

Y/N let out a seductive giggle. She then slowly lifted up her shirt. She took off her shirt and revealed her bare chest. Bakugou then lifted up Y/N and threw her onto the bed. Y/N giggled and laid on her back. Bakugou took off his shirt revealing his strong and muscular build. He crawled on top of Y/N and place one hand on her cheek while he placed the other on the bed for support. She looked up at his crimson orbs with a captivating look. Her hair was spread out on the pillow and she bit her bottom lip. She slowly trailed her fingers up Bakugou's muscular arm and to his chest.

"Like what you see, Katsuki?" She asked as she moved her hands into his hair.

"I could ask you the same thing," He said as he leaned in to kiss her.

Their hearts began beating faster as their lips connected. Bakugou felt her soft, delicate, and warm lips meet his. His hands began to trail down her face and to her breast. He began massaging Y/N's breast as he kissed her. Y/N moaned into the kiss allowing Bakugou to slip in his tongue. They began exploring each other's tongues. Y/N moved her hands from his hair and to his chest. She began tracing his muscles sending chills through Bakugou's body. Y/N softly bit his lip before he pulled away. Bakugou began leaving a trail of kisses down Y/N's chest. Once he got to her chest, he kissed her breast and began sucking on her nipple while he continued massaging the other with his hand. 

"Katsuki~" She quietly moaned as she buried her face into his shoulder.

Bakugou continued kissing her breast. Y/N began kissing his neck and playing with his hair. Bakugou then stopped and moved up to look at her. He admired her flustered expression and her body. He then lowered his head to kiss her. Y/N cupped his cheeks, deepening the kiss. As they were kissing Y/N fliped Bakugou so that she was now on top.

"I like this view," Bakugou said as his eyes trailed Y/N who was straddling his lap.

Y/N let out a breathy and alluring giggle as she leaned down to kiss him again. Y/N slowly grinded on his lap making Bakugou groan. Y/N smirked and pulled away.

"Someone enjoyed that," Y/N teased as she trailed her hands down Bakugou's chest.

Bakugou looked up at her and said, "I did, now do it again,"

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