Chapter 7

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"Now which one of these sentences contains the mistake?" Preset mic said facing the class. 

"This is so boring," Denki, Jiro, and Mina said to each other. 

"Man, this sucks," Bakugou said as he leaned his face into his palm. 

"Hey everybody! Grammar rules! now come on look alive!" Preset mic cheered as he waited for someone to answer. 

"It's the last one." a voice spoke up in the front. 

"Correct Y/N!" Preset Mic cheered. 

"Hey raindrop, how'd you know that?" Bakugou leaned forward to ask Y/N. 

"I'm fluent in English. I learned this when I was like 7," Y/N said. 

"Whoa! That's so cool! How are you fluent?" the invisible girl asked. 

"I lived in America since I was little but we moved back when I was 14. I spoke English outside but Japanese with my family and learned it so when I moved back, it was easy to adjust." Y/N answered. 

Katsumi never knew her mom spoke English, she wanted to learn so much more about Y/N.

"I AM... COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" a voice boomed through the classroom as All-Might walked through the class 1-A doors. 

"So that's why the doors are so big, so this dude doesn't bang his head." Y/N, Katsumi heard and mumbled, "Yeah because we wouldn't want that to happen." 

Both girls looked at each other and laughed. 

"Mans bigger than Bakugou's ego," Y/N whispered to Katsumi. (Y/N sits in shoji's seat and Katsumi in Jiro's which is next to Bakugou.) 

Katsumi tried her best not to laugh so she put her head into her hands but still laughed. Y/N laughed at Katsumi's reaction. 


"Oh nothing, you must be hearing things," Y/N said as she waved her hand for him to sit down. 

"Pftt HAHAHAHA" Katsumi couldn't hold her laugh in anymore. She couldn't get over her mom roasting her dad and All Might all in one hour. 

The class went to change into their hero costumes as All Might instructed. 

"Whoa Y/N your costume is so cool!" Katsumi said with sparkles in her eyes. 

"Thanks, Katsumi! I love yours tho! It fits you so well!" Y/N said. 

"Y/N YOU LOOK SO HOT!" Mina said as she jumped up and down. 

"Both of you look so good!" Ochaco said. 

"Thank you!" Katsumi and Y/N said at the same time. 

"Bakugou will melt when he sees you in your costume Y/N!" Mina said. 

"W-what! No, he won't!" Y/N said hiding her blush. 

"Oh don't pretend we don't see you guys flirting in class," Ochaco said with a smirk nudging Katsumi. 

"Yeah Y/N, you guys are pretty 'friendly' with each other," Katsumi added. 

"Hey! I thought you were on my side!" Y/N said to Katsumi. 

Both girls laugh and Y/N proudly says "Fine, I guess it would be nice to know if he thinks that of me. But I'm not here for boys. I'm here to become a pro hero."  

Meanwhile, in the boy's locker room, Bakugou was getting teased by Sero, Kirishima, and Denki. 

"C'mon man, admit it!" Sero said nudging Bakugou. 

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