Chapter 15

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"3, 2, 1, GO!" Preset Mic yelled into the mic. 

"They're not even giving us a chance, are they?" Tokoyami said as they watched the teams attack them. 

"Holy shit, never knew we were so popular," Y/N said. 

One of the teams used their quirk on the ground and they began sinking. 

"We're sinking! It must be one of their quirks," Ochaco said. 

"Ochaco use ur quirk on us! I have an idea!" Y/N said.

Ochaco nodded and used her quirk on them. 

"Watch out!" Y/N said as she used her quirk to create a strong whirlpool that sent them into the air. 

"Nice job!" Midoriya said as they soared through the air. 

Once they landed they were attacked by Mineta and his team. Y/N created another whirlpool and they were sent back into the air she then created step stones out of the moisture in the air allowing them to stay up. 

"KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled as he saw Bakugou blast up towards them. He went for the attack to steal Izuku's head and sent off a blast however, it was blocked by Dark Shadow. Bakugou began falling back down when Sero caught him with his tape.

 "WHOA! Is that allowed?" Preset mic said. 

"Technically he never hit the ground. So yes!" Midnight announced.

"BE CAREFUL AND LET US KNOW FIRST!" Katsumi yelled at Bakugou. 

"DON'T YELL AT ME!" He scolded. 

"Before we take down Deku, we're gonna kill every last one of these B-list idiots!" Bakugou said. 

"BAKUGOU! We gotta be smart with this!" Katsumi said. 

"Yeah man, we gotta come up with a plan," Kirishima agreed. 

"OH, I GOT A PLAN! AND ITS TO KILL THEM!" Bakugou yelled. 

Meanwhile, Izuku and his team tried to dodge every team coming after them. 

"Less than six minutes left," Todoroki said as he froze almost everyone to the ground. 

Meanwhile, Bakugou and his team are going after Monoma. "It's too sticky! Crap!" Kirishima yells as he's stuck to the ground. 

"No worries! I got it but it might take a while!" Katsumi said as she used produced boiling water to melt through the gunk. 

"I never knew you could do that!" Sero said. 

"It's thanks to my dad's quirk. I can heat up water because his quirk had to deal with heat, but I can't freeze it like my mom," Katsumi said. 

Bakugou was proud that Katsumi had some form of his quirk mixed with hers. 

"OK! I'm done! Let's go!" Katsumi said. 

All of sudden they were trapped in a bubble of solid air. 

"ITS HIS DAMN QUIRK!" Katsumi yelled as she pointed to the guy. 

Bakugou began punching through, trying to break it. 

"You look pretty stupid trying to break sol-" The guy said but was cut off by Bakugou breaking the air and grabbing Monoma's headbands around his neck. Bakugou managed to grab three headbands before he let go and was caught by Sero's tape.

"NICE JOB BAKUGOU!" Kirishima and Katsumi yelled. 

"Bakugou's team now moves into third place!" Preset Mic announced. 

"I couldn't brace myself when I jumped! GET CLOSER! WE'RE GONNA GET OUR POINTS BACK FROM THIS IDIOT" Bakugou said as they ran after Monoma and his team. 

"DO IT!" Sero yelled. 


"WE HAVE NAMES!" Sero yelled.  

Bakugou then used his explosions to send them forward over to Monoma's direction. The same guy as before used his quirk to create a shield out of solid air, only for Bakugou to break it and snatch their last headband. 

"BAKUGOU IS A MERCILESS FORCE!" Preset Mic announced as the crowd cheered. 

Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki were all facing each other off. Both Midoriya and Bakugou were about to land an attack on Todoroki until "TIMES UP!" was announced and they all stopped mid-attack. Bakugou already being in mid-air simply dropped to the ground face planting. 

"PFFTTTT WHAT WAS THAT!" Katsumi yelled as she walked over to Bakugou laying on the ground. 

"Are you okay?" Y/N said as she walked over to Bakugou offering her hand to help him up. Bakugou looked at her hand then at Katsumi. Katsumi mouthed "grab it" to Bakugou. Bakugou was hesitant at first but he took her hand and mumbled "Thanks,". 

"No problem, you guys did great!" Y/N said with a smile. 

"Thanks! You too! It was so cool what you did with the whirlpool!" Katsumi said as she jumped up and down. 

"Thanks! I think we lost tho, we only managed to get the 10 point headband. But I saw you boil water, I never knew you could do that!" 

Y/N said. Katsumi looked over at Bakugou and he had a small smile. "Yeah, I'm only able to heat water. So basically I can boil it or turn it into a gas other than shape it. My mom was able to freeze water and my dad had a heat-related quirk," Katsumi explained. 

"That's so cool!" Y/N said with sparkles in her eyes. 

"Thanks," Katsumi said. Present mic then began to announce the teams moving on. 

"And in fourth place team Midoriya!" 

"HOW?!" Y/N said as she ran up to her team. 

"I managed to grab the headband around Todoroki's head" Tokoyami explained. 

"Oh thank Jesus! You guys did great!" Y/N said as she gave her teammates high-fives. With that Y/N and her team along with Todoroki's and Bakugou's move on to the final event.

AN: Thank you all so much for 6.7K reads! HOLY CRAP! I never thought y'all would like the book so much! Thank you for all the support on tiktok too! I write this book for your enjoyment so I hope you guys really like it! 

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