Chapter 47

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Katsumi, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, and Momo were frozen in fear as they watched All Might and One for All battle. Bakugou was trying his hardest to not get taken because he knows this time they'll take him with force. 

"Iida, listen!" Midoriya said as Iida was holding him and Todoroki back.

"You can't fight, I won't let you," Iida said with panic.

"No, I think there's another way! A way that won't involve any combat and will allow us to escape with him. Come on, we can still get Kacchan back!" Midoriya said

"Tell us your plan," Todoroki said.

"The thing is, it's all going to depend on him. If I did the plan myself, I don't think it'd work, so it's up to Kirishima and Katsumi, you're the key to this being a success!" Midoriya said. Kirishima's eyes widened. Katsumi turned to look at him and nodded in reassurance.

"We need details, Midoriya. C'mon," Todoroki said.

"Right, here's what I'm thinking," Midoriya said as he began explaining the plan. 

"Are you out of your mind?" Iida asked once Midoriya finished explaining his plan.

"Kacchan will have realized the situation that All Might's in," Midoriya said.

"I agree," Todoroki said.

"You're right, he may be stubborn but he's not an idiot," Katsumi said.

They continued talking about it and figured out the details when Iida said, "I'm in" With that being said the 6 began to prepare. Using Midoriya's quirk, they propelled themselves combined with Iida's Recipro, then using Kirishima's hardening they broke through the wall while Katsumi held onto Kirishima's back. Todoroki then created a huge slab of ice as high as he could. The four then began sliding up the ice and jumped high enough that the villains couldn't reach them. 

"Come on!" Kirishima yelled as he extended a hand out.

"BAKUGOU! LET'S GO!" Katsumi yelled out.

Bakugou saw Kirishima's hand and blasted himself into the air to grab Kirishima's hand.

"You idiots!" Bakugou said.

"Bakugou, on my mark you give us a-" Iida said before Bakugou cut him off by saying, "Don't tell me what to do!" 

"Not the time!" Kirishima and Katsumi yelled.

"Go home you dumb kids, the rescue's priority," Mt. Lady said as she stopped Compress with her face. 

"Thank you, Mt. Lady!" Katsumi yelled. 

Once the five landed Katsumi jumped into her dad's arms and said, "I was so scared!" 

Bakugou only looked at her as tears filled his eyes. "How are you still here?" He said as he cupped her face. 

"What do you mean?" Katsumi asked as she wiped away her tears.

"I-I saw Y/N are you still here if she's dead?" Bakugou asked.

"Y/N was discharged from the hospital, she's fine," Kirishima said.

"Yeah Ochaco's with her," Midoriya said as he approached the three.

Bakugou's eyes widened as all the negative thoughts left his mind. 

"The important thing is that we got you. Tell us what happened later, we need to find Todoroki and Momo," Katsumi said as she began walking into the city with the guys.

While Midoriya was on the phone with Todoroki, while Bakugou began arguing.

"A rescue?! That's not what happened back there. You idiots just happened to be my best escape route," Bakugou yelled.

"You're welcome!" Kirishima said as he held up a thumbs up with a stupid grin. Katsumi chuckled.

"I had to get out of there so All Might can destroy that guy," Bakugou said calmly.

The five watched as All Might and One for All fought. They saw All Might grow weak and return to his smaller form. Katsumi watched in horror as she clung to Bakugou's arm. 

"He's gonna win, don't worry," Bakugou said as he pats her head as he watched the battle. 

Bakugou continued holding Katsumi as he watched. In the end, All Might was victorious.

A little while earlier...

"Y/N, you cannot leave the house! The doctor said you are in no condition to-" Y/N's dad began.

"Dad, I have to go into the city! Katsumi and Bakugou's there! I have to see them!" Y/N said as she walked to the door.

"Mr. L/N. I'll go with Y/N to find them. I'll make sure we're safe," Ochako said as she walked to Y/N.

Mr. L/N sighed and said, "Fine, go. If something happens call me immediately,"

"Thank you dad!" Y/N said as she ran out the door.

"Y/N! Thank you! I'll bring her back, safe and sound!" Ochako yelled as she ran after Y/N.

Y/N pulled out her phone and called Katsumi.

"KATSUMI! Send me your location," Y/N said into the phone as she ran with Ochako.

"Ok, gimme a sec. There, hurry," Katsumi said into the phone.

"Thank you! I'll see you soon!" Y/N said as she opened the message Katsumi sent with their location.

"Got their location?" Ochako asked. Y/N nodded and Ochako said, "Good, hang on," Ochako said as she stopped running.

"What?" Y/N asked as she stopped next to her.

Ochako then used her quirk to make their clothing lighter and said, "This should help, at least a little," 

"Thank you, let's go," Y/N said as they continued running. 

The city wasn't too far from Y/N's house. Once they got there Y/N checked her phone to check Katsumi's location. She realized that they were nearby and began looking around. 

"Do you see them?" Ochako asked as she looked around.

"No, where are they," Y/N said as she frantically looked around.

"Y/N! There!" Ochako said as she pointed at Bakugou, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, and Katsumi.

Y/N's eyes widened. "Katsuki!" Y/N yelled as she ran over to him. 

Bakugou turned around when he heard his name and saw Y/N running to him. His eyes widened as tears began to fall. 

"Y-Y/N?" He said as he slowly walked to Y/N.

"Katsuki!" Y/N said as tears of joy fell from her face as she ran into his arms. Y/N finally felt the strong yet gentle touch, the burnt carmel aroma, and love from Bakugou Katsuki after being apart. 

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