Chapter 9

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"Hey kid! Are you in All Might's class? Hold on, aren't you that kid that was involved with the sludge incident?" The news reporter asked as she chased after Bakugou.  "Walk away." was all Bakugou said before he entered the school. 

"Hey! What can you tell us about All Might?" The news reporter pestered Y/N. 

"No comment." was all Y/N said as she walked away. 

"God, what the hell's up with all these reporters? They're swarming the school like a bunch of fucking seagulls." Katsumi said as she walked past the group of reporters gathered in front of the gate. 

"Pft I know right," Jiro spoke up as she walked up to her with Denki. 

"Anyways let's get inside before they ask more questions." She continued. The three students continued to walk until they finally reached their class. 

"Let's get down to business, our first task will decide your future." He paused making the tension in the class raise. 

"Today you will be choosing a class rep." The class was relieved knowing it was normal school stuff.  

The whole class broke into chaos as they argued who becomes class rep. The class finally came to a compromise to vote for the class rep. 

"So Y/N who'd you vote for?" Ochaco asked. 

"Mhm I voted for Iida, I thought he would be the most responsible, considering that stick up his ass will keep him in line," Y/N said as she snickered. 

"I heard that Y/N" Iida confronts. 

"I stand by what I said, you gotta loosen up a bit, but anyways you got my vote," Y/N said. Ochaco laughed at the conversation between the two. 


"What? Did you honestly think anyone voted for you?" Sero commented. 

"Bakugou, calm down, you're embarrassing yourself," Y/N said as she tugged on his sleeve. 


"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW BAKUGO!" She yelled back looking into his eyes, challenging him. 

Bakugou sat down and calmed himself down, after he sat down Y/N sat down and said "Good, you listened." Bakugou only huffed in response, earning a laugh from Y/N and a head pat. 

"Woah, did Y/N just make Bakugou calm down?"  Sero spoke behind Katsumi. 

"Yeah, I can't believe she managed to do that," Denki added. 

"Yeah, she's mad scary when she's mad, I would hate to be her kid when they're in trouble," Katsumi said taking note to never piss her mom off in the future.

Once the class finally chose Midoriya and Momo as their class rep, the class was dismissed to lunch. 

"Hurry up, raindrop" Bakugou said as he began to leave the class to go to the cafeteria. 

"I'm coming, dude. Wait up!" Y/N said as she rushed to put her things into her bag. Katsumi laughed as she saw her mom trying to catch up with her dad. 

"Katsumi before you go we need to talk," Aizawa said. Katsumi turned around and nodded. 

"What's up, Mr. Aizawa?" She asked him. 

"I wanted to ask how the mission was going. Have you found any leads or suspect anyone?" He asked. "No, nothing yet," She responded. 

"We found one lead, but we wanted to ask if you know anything about it or if it sounds familiar. Go over this today and let me know. Don't worry about the homework, just go over this," Aizawa said as he handed her a folder. 

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