Chapter 22

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Everyone watched in fear as Y/N took control of Stain. 

"You know, they're now scared of you. You knew this would happen, didn't you?" Stain said. 

Y/N nodded with an emotionless expression. 

"Yet you decided to save your friend. You would've been a true hero but now I don't know if they'll see you the same way," Stain said with an evil smile. 

While he was speaking to Y/N, Todoroki sent a blast of ice, immobilizing Y/N. 

"Todoroki! What are you doing?!" Stain got out of Y/N's control and then he attacked Todoroki. 

"She just saved you all, and this is how you repay her!?" Stain said. 

Iida kicked Stain and Midoriya punched him before he got to Todoroki. Stain was now unconscious and Iida and Todoroki tied him up. Pro hero Native carried Midoriya. Y/N was still frozen by Todoroki's ice. 

"Why?" Y/N asked with tears in her eyes. 

Todoroki then walked up to her and melted the ice. 

"I didn't know what else to do," Todoroki said. 

"You were scared of me, weren't you?" Y/N asked Todoroki. Todoroki looked away. 

"Look at me!" Y/N yelled. Todoroki turned back to Y/N and said. 

"Yes, I was. I didn't know what you were capable of!" Todoroki yelled back. 

"Y/N, with a quirk like that... people will view you differently," Iida said. 

"Like you guys," Y/N scoffed. The two boys looked at the ground in shame. 

"Y/N..." Todoroki said. 

Y/N walked away and said, "I don't blame you guys... I'd be scared of me too," Everyone watched as Y/N walked away.   

As Y/N was walking away, she saw a nomu soar down and snatch Midoriya. 

"NO!" Y/N yelled as she ran towards the flying nomu. 

"The word "hero" has lost all meaning in this society," Stain said as he used his quirk on the nomu. 

He stopped the nomu and saved Midoriya. 

Y/N quickly ran over to Stain. She ran towards him and stopped once she saw him freeze in his tracks. 

"I think he's out cold," Endeavor said. 

Y/N sighed in relief knowing Midoriya was safe. She looked over to see Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya looking at her. Y/N gave them a small smile. 

"I hope you guys don't view me as a villain. I never asked to be born like this," Y/N said before she collapsed on the floor. 

After the battle, Y/N woke up in the hospital. She laid in the bed next to Iida. Todoroki across from her and Midoriya in front of her. 

"W-what happened," Y/N said as she opened her eyes. 

"Good, you're finally awake," Midoriya said. Iida and Todoroki stayed silent. 

"Uh yeah, I am," Y/N said. 

"How are you feeling?" Midoriya asked. 

"Fine," Y/N replied. 

"That's good to hear, right? Guys?" Midoriya said looking over at Todoroki and Iida. 

"Yes, it is," Iida said with a small smile. Todoroki nodded in agreement. 

The room went silent. 

"Oh, so the injured youngins are awake," Grand Torino said as Manual opened the door. 

Manual scolded Y/N and Iida, while Grand Torino scolded Midoriya. 

"So you're the U.A. students who took down the Hero Killer? Stain had some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof." The chief of police said. 

He then explained what the consequences were of their actions. They were told Endeavor would take credit for taking down the hero killer. Y/N sighed in relief knowing her hero career wouldn't suffer due to the incident. However, it may suffer due to her quirk.

"Hey. Um, did you guys mention anything about my... quirk?" Y/N asked the boys. 

They stayed silent until Midoriya spoke up and said, "No, we didn't. We figured it's up to you when you want to talk about it,"

 Y/N smiled and said, "Thank you," 

The boys nodded and Y/N spoke again, "Don't pretend you aren't afraid of me. I saw how you guys looked at me, I'm not fucking blind," as her smile faded. 

The boys stayed silent as they watched Y/N go back to her hospital bed.

Todoroki returned to his internship, along with Iida. Y/N and Midoriya stayed in the hospital. Y/N was looking out of the window. 

The room was silent until Midoriya said, "Hey, Y/N?" 

"What's up?" She asked. 

"Can you tell me about your quirk?" He asked. 

Y/N stayed silent for a little. "I-It's okay if you don't want to, I totally understand," He said. 

"No, it's fine. I'll tell you about it," Y/N said as she turned to him. 

Midoriya smiled at Y/N. 

"My other quirk is called bloodbending or blood control. I can control people using their blood," She began. 

"Do you need to touch blood or something like Stain?" Midoriya asked. 

Y/N shook her head and said, "No, since I can control liquids I can control blood. Since it's a liquid," 

"Ahh okay, that makes sense," Midoriya said as he took notes on Y/N. 

"Doesn't this scare you?" Y/N asked. 

"No, not at all. Why?" He asked. 

"Well because Todoroki and Iida were scared," She admitted. 

"I'm not scared because you used your quirk to save me from Stain. Plus, I know you would never use it for evil," He said. 

"Thanks, Midoriya," She said with a smile. 

"Of course, Y/N," He smiled back. 

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