Chapter 60

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"Is he...for real?" Sero asked.

"Oh yeah. Totes real," Mirio said as he stretched.

The class was in Gym Gamma to fight Mirio. The class watched as Mirio stretched. Katsumi was with Ochaco and 

"Mirio. You're impossible. It would have been simple enough to just tell them. 'This is what it's like, this is what we learned from it.' Not everyone has your level of drive. Plus think about how bad it'll look if some of them can't recover after fighting you. No one wants to spend their time in a hospital bed," Tamaki said as he leaned his forehead on the wall.

"I bet he's just trying to psych us out," Kirishima said.

"Um... I would hope so," Katsumi said as she looked at Mirio with a confused look.

"Hey listen up, storytime. Long ago, a student got so frustrated in class and quit being a hero and it was terrible for everyone. Did you know that?" Nejire said as she played with Mina's horns.

Katsumi walked up to Nejire and grabbed both of her hands and pulled them away from Mina's head. 

"All right, Sunshine, I think you've touched her horns enough," Katsumi said with an awkward chuckle.

Once Mirio and Nejire finished speaking, Midoriya started the fight by lunging at Mirio. While Midoriya was in motion, Mirio's clothes began to fall. Katsumi quickly put out a water whip and tried to whip him but the water went right through.

"AHH!" Jiro yelled as she covered her eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Katsumi yelled as she turned away from Mirio.

"Why did your clothes just fall off?!" Sero asked.

"Oopsies! my quirk is kinda tricky," Mirio said as he began to put his pants back on.

"He has no shame," Katsumi said as she turned back around.

Midoriya sent a kick at Mirio's head but again, it went right through.

"His quirk allows things to go through him!" Katsumi yelled out.

Mirio began attacking the long-distance fighters, taking them out one by one. Katsumi was doing her best to dodge his attacks. Focusing more on the defensive side. Mirio permeated behind her and was about to land a punch but she quickly rolled out of the way. She quickly created a smokescreen allowing her to create more distance between them.

"His ass crack is out and everything!" Katsumi yelled as she saw Mirio sent a punch to her stomach. 

She tried to create some water to slow him down but it didn't work. He landed a solid punch to her stomach knocking her down.

"POWER!" Mirio said as he finished taking down all of class-1A.

Meanwhile, Y/N was walking back to the dorms. She was still pretty paranoid as she walked to the dorms. She looked around, taking notes of her surroundings. She nervously cracked her knuckles as she entered the dorms. Once she was inside she walked straight to the elevator and went to the fourth floor.

Once she got to the fourth floor she walked past Bakugou's room and straight to her's. Bakugou heard the footsteps outside his room. He got up from his bed and walked to his bedroom door. He slowly opened the door and saw Y/N quickly enter her room and shut the door. 

Y/N sat on the bed with her back against the wall as she held her knees to her chest. She held up her arm and traced the scar Dabi had left on her forearm. Tears began to form in her eyes as the memories of that event replayed in her head. She began to rock back and forth as her hands found their way up to her hair.

"I'm so weak, I couldn't prevent it. I caused more problems for the heroes. I deserve to be alone again," Y/N said to herself as tears streamed down her face.

"Y/N, let me in," Bakugou said as he knocked on the door.

Y/N flinched at the knock on the door. She slowly stood up from her bed and made her way to the mirror. She quickly wiped away her tears and tried to make it look like nothing was wrong. She then made her way to the door and slowly opened it. Bakugou stood in front of the door staring at Y/N. 

"What's wrong?" Bakugou asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Y/N said trying to smile.

Bakugou stared at her with a hardened look in his eyes. Y/N looked up at his crimson eyes and tears began to stream. Bakugou's expression softened as he saw Y/N wipe the tears from her eyes. 

"Hey, hey, shh... It's okay," He said as he entered her room and closed the door behind him.

"I-I'm sorry..." Y/N said between sniffles.

"You have nothing to be sorry about... can I touch you?" Bakugou asked.

Y/N nodded and dropped her head to his chest. Bakugou wrapped his arms around her and laid his chin on her head and he brushed her hair. As they were in each other's embrace, Bakugou picked up Y/N and carried her to her bed. As Bakugou was about to set her down, Y/N pulled him down with her.

"Stay with me...please," She said quietly.

"Sure," He said as he laid next to her.

Y/N moved closer to him and laid her head on his chest. Bakugou kissed the top of her head and he began to close his eyes. Y/N began to draw shapes on his chest and slowly dozed off from the sound of his heart beating.

"Get out of the car," Shitori said to the woman who was driving the car.

"No, I need to get home!" The woman said.

"Get out now," Shitori said as he pulled the woman out.

He began to drag her away as the woman began to kick and scream.

"Let me go! Please!" The woman yelled as she was thrown into an alleyway.

"You helped Y/N escape, I might have to kill you for that," Shitori said as he held a knife and slowly trailed it down her neck.

"Oh then in that case," The woman said with a smirk as she turned into a liquid. 

"What the hell?" Shitori said as he saw the woman flow away.

The woman returned to her solid-state and smirked at him.

"Did you really think I would let you hurt me for saving Y/N?" The woman said.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Name's Emi! It's a pleasure! And you are?" Emi said as she kicked the knife out of Shitori's hand.

"Shitori," He replied with a smirk.

"Oh your that son of a bitch she was talking about!" Emi said.

"Glad to know she thinks of me," Shitori said.

"Yeah, whatever buddy," Emi said as she sent out another kick.

Shitori managed to trap her foot under his arm and twist it. Emi laughed and turned into a liquid again and flowed behind him. She sent out a kick to his back and knocked him to the ground.

"Now. As I was saying before you dragged me out of my car, I have somewhere to be," Emi said as she walked back to her car.

"I think it's time I pay an old friend a visit," Emi said as she got into her car and drove away.

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