Chapter 42

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"We are a part of the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains," Spinner said. 

"League of Villains? Shit," Y/N mutter under her breath.

"What happened?" Katsumi said.

"Shitori's here," Y/N whispered to her. 

"How do you know?" Katsumi asked.

"He mentioned something about joining a league and he was at the mall with Shigiraki," Y/N said. 

"Ok, we've gotta be careful," Katsumi said.

"Yeah," Y/N said. "Wait, where's Katsuki?" She said as she looked around. 

"He's in the woods with Todoroki," Ojiro said. 

"I have to find him," Y/N said as she turned to the woods. Katsumi grabbed her wrist and said, "He's going to be fine. He's strong enough to get back to us," 

Y/N took a deep breath and said, "Ok, you're right. Let's just make it out of here alive," 

"I could crush this kitty's head so easily, how about it dear? Should I?" Mag said.

"Now, now. Hold on Big Sis Mag. You too tiger, calm down. When deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that we're abiding by Stain's principles," Spinner said. 

"Stain?" Y/N and Midoriya said.

"So you're the ones he ended up inspiring," Iida said.

"At your service, that is us," Spinner said extending his arms.

Tiger began confronting Spinner while Mandalay instructed the students to head back to camp. 

"Let's go!" Iida said as he headed in the direction of the camp.

Y/N looked back into the woods as she stood still. 

"Y/N, Midoriya let's go," Iida said.

"You go on ahead without me. Mandalay, I know where Kota is!" Midoriya said making Y/N turn to look at him.

"Y/N! Let's go," Katsumi said. 

Y/N walked up to her and said, "I'm going to look for Katsuki. If anything happens to me and Shitori takes me or something, don't believe a word I say. Tell this to Katsuki too. Do you understand?" 

"W-what? No, you're not going alone!" Katsumi said.

"Do you understand?" Y/N said as she cupped Katsumi's face.

"M-mom, no you can't," Katsumi said as her voice broke.

"Katsumi, trust me! Do you understand?" Y/N scolded. 

"Yes," Katsumi said.

"Good, I love you. I'll be back, I promise," Y/N said as she kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too, mom," Katsumi said as she watched Y/N disappear into the woods.

"Shit, what is this gas?" Y/N said. She took in a deep breath and walked through. She continued walking until she heard coughing. She ran over and saw momo creating masks. "Momo!" She yelled.

"Y/N! Thank goodness! Quick, take this!" Momo said as she tossed her a gas mask she made. 

"Thanks," Y/N said as she put the mask on.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were still with the group?" Momo said.

"I got separated," Y/N said.

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