Chapter 50

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Disclaimer: There is mature content within this chapter. If you do not want to read it please skip this chapter. Everything will continue in the next chapter that happened before the NSFW. It is not 100% but still 16+ content. Thank you!

"Next is Y/N's room!" Mina cheered as she left Ochako's dorm.

"Wait, where's Y/N?" Ochako asked as she looked around.

"Maybe she went to sleep," Todoroki said.

"Hm, I'll go check her room," Ochako said as she slowly approached her room.

She knocked on the door and said, "Y/N? You inside?" 

No response. She slowly turned the door handle and opened the door. 

She peeked her head through and said, "Y/N? Are you sleeping?" 

She didn't hear a response again so she entered and looked around the room. She walked back out and said, "She's not here,"

"Where'd she go then?" Sero asked.

"I don't know, I didn't see her leave," Denki said.

"I have a guess," Katsumi said as she walked to Bakugou's dorm.

"You don't think..." Jiro said as she followed Katsumi.

"She wouldn't. Would she?" Momo said.

"I don't know," Ochako said.

The class began walking to Bakugou's door. Katsumi slowly opened the door peeking through. She was able to see Y/N snuggled in a blanket with her face in Bakugou's chest while Bakugou was peacefully sleeping with her arm around her. 

"Found her," Katsumi whispered.

Ochako then walked up to Katsumi and peeked through the door too.

"They're sleeping," Ochako said.

"Awww," Mina whispered as she stuck her head through the door opening it more. Light escaped from the hall and shined in Y/N's face. She groaned at the sudden brightness and buried her face into Bakugou's chest and pulling the blanket over her face.

The three girls panicked and closed the door when they saw Y/N move.

"What happened?" Denki asked.

"They were snuggling!" Mina said with puppy dog eyes.

"Wha- I wanna see!" Denki said as he ran to the door and peeked through to see.

"Bro, where can I get this," Denki whined.

"Lemme see," Sero said as he peeked his head through.

"He looks so peaceful," Sero said.

"He's finally not blowing stuff up," Kirishima said as he peeked through.

"Y/N looks so cozy and adorable," Denki said.

"I wanna see Y/N sleeping!" Mineta said as he ran to the door.

"NO!" The class said trying to stop him.

Mineta climbed on top of the boys to see inside. The four fell into Bakugou's room and were all pilled on top of each other. 

"What *yawn* was that?" Y/N said as she sat up and stretched.

"You idiots better have a good reason for waking us up," Bakugou growled.

The four nervously chuckled as they stood up.

"Funny story actually, you see we-" Denki began.

"Out!" Bakugou yelled.

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